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FrozenGate by Avery

Dragon Laser Spartan vs Jetlaser PL-E Pro

Jul 14, 2015
I have owned an Optotronics 125 mW pen green laser, a Wicked Laser Krypton 300 mW and a Dragon Laser Spartan green 200mW. I sold the first two and kept the latter due to it's compact size and great UI system. In my opinion, the Optotronics had a momentary switch that was way too easy to activate. Also, I found the WL Krypton to be too weird to activate. I like the DL Spartan's simple, yet safe tailswitch. So...I'm a bit biased towards the DL Spartan.

I'm now interested in the Jetlaser PL-E Pro because of the higher power, the focusing ability, the hermetic sealing and the prevalence of accessories including a beam expander. It costs about 50% more, tho.

Should I stick with a more name-brand laser like the Dragon Laser or is the Jetlaser a good alternative?

Jetlaser has a very good reputation on this forum. I bought a DPL 532nm laser several years ago when JL was just starting up and have always been happy with it. It's a high quality build. Grey is a great guy to work with too.

On the Jetlaser PL-E's, is it possible for the user to totally disconnect/disable the momentary switch and only have an off/on activation? I don't like inadvertent activation by just grabbing the unit firmly.
On the Jetlaser PL-E's, is it possible for the user to totally disconnect/disable the momentary switch and only have an off/on activation? I don't like inadvertent activation by just grabbing the unit firmly.

The button switch or keyswitch, (can be ordered either way) on the tail cap is the master power on/off for the unit not the momentary switches of the side --it enables/disables completely the momentary switches on the side of the unit that turn beam on/off. To turn it on first you have to turn on the power at tailcap---then turn on the laser continuously with the larger/main side switch or use the small switch above it for momentary on-----those switches can be ordered as a code switch and pulse switch alternatively.

Look at the labeled component parts image in the "More Info" section of the page just underneath the initial specifications here: PL-E Pro 532nm Green Lasers
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The button switchor keyswitch, (can be ordered either way) on the tail cap is the master power on/off for the unit not the momentary switches of the side --it enables/disables completely the momentary switches on the side of the unit that turn beam on/off.

Look at the labeled component parts image in the "More Info" section of the page just underneath the initial specifications here: PL-E Pro 532nm Green Lasers

Thanks for all my persistent questioning, y'all! :) I'm trying to learn as much as possible before I commit hundreds of dollars for the Jetlaser. Ultimately, I prefer the tailcap only simplicity of my Dragon Laser, but a double switch is OK. At the other extreme, I found the double switch system of Wicked Laser Spyder series to be a bit of a PITA.

I only have one laser and want another before they're eventually banned in the USA.
Jetlaser. Quality, focusable, great customer service. I highly recommend them, and Gray.
Great answers, guys! I think I'm going to order the silver PL-E Pro Jetlaser with the optional beam extender. Unless anyone thinks higher power is desirable at the expense of shorter battery life and $$$, I'm going with the 300 mW version.
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Great answers, guys! I think I'm going to order the silver PL-E Pro Jetlaser with the optional beam extender. Unless anyone thinks higher power is desirable at the expense of shorter battery life and $$$, I'm going with the 300 mW version.

You might want to go with more power 400mW or 500mw --you can't add it later. You can always add a Beam Expander later. If money is no problem then get both.

The Beam Expander absorbs a little power and also is widens the beam 10X --- if you want the most impressive solid looking beam possible go with the highest power you can reasonablely afford.

Run time will not be much effected if you use a good 26650 battery--it takes just one.

Ask Gray at JetLasers any questions you have---he will respond quickly, answer any questions or concerns and gives the best customers service in the business ---email him at jetlasers@gmail.com
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