I purchased this laser from ebay about 3 weeks ago and still not recieved but that is besides the fact http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...MEWN:IT&viewitem=&item=200052679825&rd=1&rd=1 I want to know if anyone can tell me if its really rated at 150mw (if you own) which if it is than his description should be correct about it poping balloons and burning things. He had recieved mostly good but some bad feedback on this item which scares me because I wouldn't want to be spending 250.00 on a laser that will just shine far like the one I already own but to burn objects like he states. I have tryed to contact some of the people that have won the same item I have by looking through this guys feedback however I do not believe my questions are going through due to the fact that I have to put in a verification code after I send my message to someone on ebay which might trigger ebay to look through it and decide whether or not I am spamming.