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FrozenGate by Avery

Dichroic Beam Splitters

Oct 23, 2009
Hi Guys I need to make another Laser Sky Effect but need the filter to do it. I do not know where i got my last one that goes infront of the laser to do the many dots out. Any one KNOW? Help Thanks John :can:
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Hi Guys I need to make another Laser Sky Effect but need the filter to do it. I do not know where i got my last one that goes infront of the laser to do the many dots out. Any one KNOW? Help Thanks John :can:

That's called a diffraction grating. Type it into eBay or Google and a bunch will come up.
Asking basically the same questions on two Threads
is considered Spamming the Forum and considered
bad Forum etiquette...

I would think a member registered on the Forum
since Oct 2009 would know that...:thinking:

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WOW DO YOU THINK I AM A POR AT THIS???? Can anyone make a mistake or get shit on by others ?? Sorry for the mistake. OK....:cryyy:
