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Jan 19, 2007
If you have been on the forum for a well then you kind of know that there is always a lot of peopel talking about there laser being seige or taken by customs. Sometimes it is wicked lasers people saying that dragon lasers are bad because there is a lot of lasers being seige and vise-versa. I just want to know if that a big problem in buying a laser.

If you did get your laser seiged and check yes :'( i am sorry for you i have not experienced it myself and i dont even know how i would feel.


I'm the first to vote and i voted no, British customs have bigger fish to fry but American customs are overzelous...
This post has been covered before here but not with a poll.
Guy's please put your comments in after you vote ;)
I said no - I have gotten in multiple units form China, including some samples from various companies. I have had no issues with customs (yet !)
I said no and I'm in the U.S. I'd be inclined to estimate that heavily tracked packages are more likely to attract attention. I kept my USPS logins limited to a discreet 45 times per day.

Speaking of attention, check out my testimonial (Dave U.S.). Think I might have laid it on a little thick? Check out the video too, I think I've been watching too many flash animations on Wicked's main page!

Dragon was very complimentry (not to mention compensatory!) but I don't plan on quitting my day job any time soon...

Did I just hijack this thread? Sorry!

Goddamn Americans!
by the looks of it i dont think that US customs is really a bigprblem when buying a laser

When i got my WL 15mW lol i had no problem what so ever :)
ive never had anything seized by customs...

but i get taxed a LOT!
can probably get a spyder with all the tax
I dont think you have any idea how much hawaii taxes :'( they are bringing it up so its and 8.13 centS per dollar on everything!!
I guess i spoke to soon i guess you won the which state has the hightest tax rate. Whats a brokerfee?
well i live in Canada

and the brokerage fee is like what the shipping company charges for having to tax ur item
Are there any laws against lasers there? I wish the goverment didnt really care about lasers and not make them illegal. It would be so much easier to get them.
Sniper said:
I dont think you have any idea how much hawaii taxes :'( they are bringing it up so its and 8.13 centS per dollar on everything!!

Texas is right behind you at 8.125% !!!
WOW i thought Hawaii had it bad
but we and not even close to being the worst

Lucky States like ohio dont pay on food taxes and its like 4 cents per dollar.
Yeah - it's a trade off - I don't pay income tax in Texas.... 8-) Now, PROPERTY tax ? DAAAAANG....whole nuther ball of wax !
