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FrozenGate by Avery

CriCut Explore Laser Cutter Conversion?

Apr 23, 2011
So my sister had a Cricut Explore, a while back after not being able to connect to it she bought a new one.
I was taking a look at the old one yesterday and got it working with connecting via USB.

Any who, enough of the TMI, looking at it I started thinking it could be easily made to hold a laser module.
Rigging it up so when the blade lifts, the laser cuts off.
I reckon too, instead of the CriCut mat, a "laser proof" mat(?) would be needed. No idea what laser cutters use for this.

I'm not thinking anything crazy, maybe 1/16" - 1/8" plywood or styrene. The machine is all plastic which probably isn't ideal, and would further probably have to make an enclosure with a vent/fan.

Just curious if any of you lasernauts had any thoughts on this, feasibility or suggestions.
