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FrozenGate by Avery

Closed: maglite tail cap /w 3/4in hole

Mar 2, 2011
Did it myself,
Thanks anyway

So what I need is a hole in a maglite D cell tail cap.
19mm or 20mm would also work

I can mail you the tail cap
them you put a hole in it
and mail it back

So you dont have to wory about shipping,
I will send you a shipping label w/ the tail cap
So after you drill it, you can just thow it in ur mailbox

or I you have one to sell and
can put a hole in it, ill buy it.

Let me know what you can do,
and how much it will cost me.

Thanks, Justin
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Re: WTF/WTB maglite tail cap /w 3/4in hole

May I inquire as to what this hole is for ?
Re: WTF/WTB maglite tail cap /w 3/4in hole

Any plans to delete the switch/hole that's allready on the host ? Just adding this one as a security feature ?

It can be done quite easily/readily with any drill press, even a dremel would be enough for what you're looking at... since the rim of the lock-switch will cover any minor defects with your hole.

Good luck finding someone, I'd do it, but it's going to be a waste of your time and money to ship everything to canada to have a hole drilled.
Re: WTF/WTB maglite tail cap /w 3/4in hole

Ya, I dont have a 3/4 drill bit that would cut through metal,
and they are expensive for somthing I will only use once.

I may try dremeling a hole if I cant find someone in the US

Edit: Will be using both switches this one as a safety
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Re: WTF/WTB maglite tail cap /w 3/4in hole

Go with the biggest bimetal bit you have, and widen the hole till you win with a grinding attachment for your dremel... You can't go wrong unless you shouldn't be handling power tools.
Re: WTF/WTB maglite tail cap /w 3/4in hole

I won't be able to do it until my next trip home
currently @ texas tech university without access to many power tools

So if I could find some one willing to do it for like 5$ or so
that would be realy great.
