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cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn paper

Apr 13, 2007
was wondering which laser is the cheapest that has enough power to light a cigarette, and burn through thin surfaces like paper, tape, and balloons.

I know the pulsar 100mw red laser can light a cigarette, and burn through things. But is there a cheaper laser green or red that can burn better, and have a nicer beam for a cheaper price.

Also whats wrong with the 240MW ebay laser pens that cost 50-80 dollars?

Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

Neolistic - search the forum for your answers...there are TONS of them in here ! In short, The "Ebaysers" generally lack sufficient IR filters, and use the IR with the green to figure out the total power of the laser - so in other words, you are NOT getting 240mw of green - most likely 50-60mw of Green, and the rest is IR.
Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

I'd get a green laser if I were you because with reds or the Pulsar series unless you pay someone to mod it for you, or you mod it yourself you'll most likely need a magnifying glass or external lense to burn. I'd go for a DL 125mw viper or you might get away with the 95mw viper. Those should be the cheapest for what you need to be done.
Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

bah i need to go steal a cig off a smoker so i can try lighting
Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

Thanks for the helpful comments i really apprechiate it. I live in Toronto Canada so i can visit laserglow at the HQs, but unfortunately they are very expensive. I did search the forums for 2-3 hours, and still have not decided on the best one for the specific burning jobs. So again thanks for the help, and so far its come down to a 125MW viper?

Aries-50 50-74mW  $289.00 GREEN (info - has bright beam, can pop red, black, orange balloons)
Viper 125mW $329.99 GREEN (info - has bright beam, can pop red, black, orange balloons)
Viper 95mW $259.99 GREEN (info - has bright beam, can pop red, black, orange balloons)
Pulsar 100mw $199.99 RED (info - seen it pop balloon from across room, light cigarette, burn hole in plastic, burn hole in tape. May need some sort of external lense you attach to the front, which im not sure where to get)

So far it seems from my research the red laser is a lot stronger at burning things, and its cheaper. What do you guys have to say about that? If you guys have more input on the green lasers burning power please let me know.
Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

My DL 125 will light matches from 4 feet and cut electriical tape from 5 feet, but will not light a cigarette. Can anyone's 125 do this? Never heard of one able to light cigs. 250-300mW perhaps but not 125
Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

Check the media section, there's plenty of 125's that can light cigs. :)
Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

I believe you, but I just want to see it, could you post a link? I couldn't find even one DL125 lighting a cigarette, but I didn't watch all the videos, I just looked at the titles.

We're talking about not using a magnifying glass, right?
Re: cheapest laser to light a cigarette and burn p

Oh Man! I'll bet THAT tasted good! Thanks!
