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Can anyone tell me if the TO-08 or TO-56 450nm blue laser diodes case pin? The idea is to sense reverse bias zener I, when light off target causes...


New member
Apr 4, 2024
How can I use the case pin of a 450nm blue laser that has a Zener diode in reverse bias direction and a transconductance amplifier to amplify the changes when small amount of coherent light bouncing of the target makes it back to the lasers silicone junction, changing the wavelength, characteristics, and power output which is regulated by the zener or maybe this is an incorrect approach for a rudamentry interferometer? Please could anyone help with the idea? I was also thinking if pin 1 and pin 3 are solely for LD-ZD in series I could use a bias Tee, pick a part I inside the bandwidth of the diode and add a RF carrier and see if the coherent reflection in light back to junction does the job of interference than measure it. Appreciate any help? ✌️
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My apologies for being a nubbie here on this professional industrial forum for all Lasers A to Z. I saw some categories and questions I thought pretty fundamentally basic for academics. Well, this laser brain didn't even think twice about signing up, making a profile, and posting before I even had a chance to pursue the menus and categories, so again my apologies 😕. Dropping back this morning to see if anyone had some suggestions did glance at all the wonderful technologies as wide spread as the visible spectrum is, and will continue to grow from one end of the spectrum to the other. Starting at radio wave, then microwaves (the first maser that opened the door for the laser), infrared threw visible, UV, and all the way to the lamda of wavelength, X-rays the toys here are glorious! I have been playing the Oregon Lottery, hoping and praying for a win could go far here. For now, I will continue to look for deals one lasers and laser optics, as well as scavenging for them in any thing that I can find a use for in doing so. I added two photos to this post for members and new subscribers to help better understand, maybe lending an idea to my question of, in what pin configuration can I use the lasers case pin as a grounded reference and zero volts potential potential between pin 2 and 3 which is the reverse biased zener diode on can style LD, the blue 450nm 1.8W TO-08 in photo was something I tried until the laser diode with a monitor photo diode in it arrives then swap for the zener style. The interferometer will workk NO PROBLEM with laser diode with photo monitor diode but it will work with laser diode packages with zeners too. I had a thought last night of incorparating an RF bias Tee. I would find the most appropriate modulation inside the tolerences and bandwidth of the 450nm 1.8W blue laser diodes spec sheet and also reducing the benchtop power supply on CC constant current to a bare minimum. I have been operating the laser at about 1-1.4 Amps but then realized after I decided to pack it on for the bias tee did thought flash in my head like Xenon Pump Ruby laser on firing. The constant current set up for 450nm blue laser was completely over the top. Like US military lasers intercepting enemy artillery rounds in mid-air, the only interference detected is the enemy tank round exploding. Thats one hell of an interference patteren!! 🪖USA! 💥 💥
Used to setup an interferometer when checking my holography setups. Rather than get into a lengthy explanation here you might want to Google it as many have set these up.
