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Can a Lazer device to clean normal dust? To like scanning the surface areas and clean/burn the dust molecules


New member
Jan 6, 2021
I have seen in a very old movie that there was an automatic small device that would be scanning the whole room and the scanning lazer would disinfect and clean the dust. I wanted to ask and see how far our technology has come and see if it is possible.

I doubt it?
I have a feeling with this question and also being your first post that some members will be harsh on you with reply's.
Don't get upset.. I hope your not aiming lasers at anyone or anything trying to kill germs.
Why would you want to use lasers for "cleaning"? Even if it were possible, it would be cheaper just build a clean room.
Burning dust does not make it disappear. You are still left with burnt dust, it's just more dehydrated and carbonized.
What is your budget and timeline for completion? I hope you have deep pockets are you are very patient.
Disinfect and clean dust by burning it?
The device you imagine is still just a fantasy thing as others have mentioned.
Even if possible would be incredibly expensive, slow and dangerous and create burnt dust, dust as mentioned above if said dust could even be burned --could be inflammable dust.

How would you not set everything else not dust on fire except in a empty fireproof room?

Black and Decker Dustbuster and mop w. Clorox Clean Up, Purell Surface, or similar is as close as you are likely to get, probably.

Maybe have a look at : https://www.cleanroomcleaning.com/c...MIk9zd3uOH7gIVlklyCh09GgnnEAAYASAAEgJqjPD_BwE
and for medical disinfect see: https://www.qimedical.com/cleaning-up-confusion-correctly-cleaning-your-room/

PS Laser is spelled laser not lazer
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