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Buying a green laser


Nov 6, 2015
okay so im thinking about buying a green laser, and i came here to get suggestions. Here is what I want:
80$ and under
as far visibility distance as possible..
able to see the beam if i shine it at night (or day?)
-the ability to pop balloons would be nice but optional
also could you suggest some glasses i could use with it? (preferably glasses i can buy on amazon)
thank you
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Hi Wehzrd :wave:
Welcome to the forum.
Where are you from as that can determine if certain things can be sent to you or not.
The Lyra is just 1mW to 5mW and that is not very bright. To pop balloons you usually need 50mW or more.
I have a bunch of different laser colors and power outputs for sale as do other members also.
I will include Laser Safety Glasses for free.
Please see the link below for one of them and it is 532nm.


Try not to triple post, if you have something to add, just click on the edit button and add it.
Have you ever used a hand held laser before of higher than say 40mW?
You should go to the welcome page and do an into about yourself as that helps members here help you. Did you read the safety stickies?
Enjoy, have fun and most importantly be safe.
thank you, i will consider. i live in the us, and no i have not used a laser above 40 mW
edit-im interested in the 532 nm 75mW one, how do i purchase if i decide to? also how much would it cost?(i probably wont be actually buying until december or january, just trying to figure out what i want)
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You can send a USPS Money Order or use PayPal as that is how most members here do it.
The E2 or E3 both are available at 75mW 532nm

Nice edit by the way :) :gj:
I wouldn't buy from laserglow. For one if you want >5mW you can't get one from them as they don't ship greater than 5mW to the States. Secondly, they are WAY more expensive than need be. IMO, over priced. Although a very good quality laser just no need to spend that much money like they charge for their Aries 532.

IMO, the Nano would be a good option and probably worth some money someday as they no longer sell these.
The other and my personal recommendation would be the HL Laserbtb 532. BTB is my favorite company. Really great feeling solid host and always over spec. Also, the nano is a nice laser but the HL, will have a 10 min duty cycle. I'm not sure what the nano's is but I am sure its not as long because it being a pen. Those are often a min or so.
Just somethings to consider.
Okay so what is the pricing and also what is the difference between the E2 and E3
Okay so what is the pricing and also what is the difference between the E2 and E3

You can email them and ask but I am pretty sure that the silver HL have adjustable current settings. Fill power, 50%, and pulsed strobe. This is helpful if you want to use them for pictures to try and match visibility with other lasers or if you wMted to use them indoors. Personally I don't like to use lasers over. Certain wattage inside. It's easy to accidentaly point the beam on a reflective surface like a mirror or even a white wall can cause eye damage if the power is high enough.

Regarding safety glasses Eagle Pair from survival laser are very good quality and well made. They're my favorite pair I have but make sure you get the right type for the color laser you will be using. It's not a one type fits all kind of thing. They cost 50$ after shipping but worth every penny. Cheap glasses from eBay and such usually aren't adequate for lasers >5mW. Don't buy cheap ones. Accidents happen eventually it's just a matter of when. If you plan on burning things take extra care. Saving 20-30$ isn't worth seeing spots for the rest of your life.

If you think you would prefer a smaller host then the Nano is a great option and has the smart switch technology which is a plus because pen lasers with side momentary buttons are really easy to accidentaly fire in your pocket or back pack whatever. I personally don't like side momentary buttons. I have had 2 close calls and both were from accidentaly triggering those damn side buttons.

Laser BTB also sells really nice pens that have a small key lock. I have a 100mW 520 and love it. But if you were going with a pen style pointer buying from Laserchic would save you a lot more time and shipping costs as BTB charges 36$ per laser and won't combine shipping which sucks. I'm buying 5 HL's from them and my shipping charge is more than one laser.
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