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FrozenGate by Avery

Buying 1W Lasers/2W lasers.

Aug 8, 2011
Hi, I've recently sold some nike+ fuelbands on ebay and I've gained a 100% profit. I have 1 more left still in package, un-used. I can either send you it through the mail, pay you in paypal funds (same as registered on this account), Amazon Giftcards (requires middle man) or whatever.

I know you guys hate LaserMaster, but I was disappointed in the build that he sent me for $150.

It was a 500mW blue 445nm that was poorly made.

Let me know if any deals can be made.

Looking to spend Anywhere from $150 to $250.

thanks for mentioning my thread InfinitusEquitas.I am also willing to send it priority shipping(which is included in the price).
DivanAsor,you need 20 posts before you can start your own thread in this section(it's explained in a sticky'd thread)..
