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FrozenGate by Avery

Building a laser?


New member
Jun 25, 2019
I was wondering, will buying a host, diode and module, and assembling it myself cost less money? If so, how much less?

I want a 0.5W or at least a 250mw 532nm laser, and they are pricey, so I was thinking maybe I’ll build one?
Is it possible with that output?
If so, what do I need exactly and how much will it cost?


I suggest start browsing at DTR and Survival Laser. Between the 2 is everything you need.
DTR sells diodes and driver in 20mm module and Survival sells a host made specifically for them. Easiest DIY laser project ever created.
I suggest start browsing at DTR and Survival Laser. Between the 2 is everything you need.

Thx, I just did, but I ain’t any smarter because of that 😂

I still have no idea which categories to browse since I ain’t got the slightest clue of what are the items necessary for assembling a laser pointer.

I don’t wanna waste my time learning the subject cuz if it’s not worth it money wise, (which I still don’t know) then it’s not worth my time (at this specific times anyway). Studying it all just to find out it comes up to around the same price is not something I can afford right now.
I’m a busy little bee! 🐝

If I could get an answer on that issue I’ll know if I should start looking for my reading glasses.. 🤓
If you want a 532nm DPSS laser you are much better off trying to buy one rather than building one. Especially, since you have no experience building sold state lasers. They aren't cheaper to build either.
Maybe start with a "Laser 301 " or "Laser 303" 532nm---- you can find them all over AliExpress for the price of a good cup of coffee or a little more $3 - $10 including shipping--just do a search. Costs very little and you would gain some experience with lasers.

They usually output 50 to 100mW ---100mW of 532nm green is about/approximately as visually bright as a 1W 445nm blue laser
