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FrozenGate by Avery

Brand New to Lasers

Jul 19, 2007
Hello everyone,

I'm sure you read a million of these posts "I'm new, tell me what to buy"

But I'm mostly here to just say hello, and get a little bit of input.  I've always been fascinated by lasers and just today actually, for no apparent reason, decided I was going to buy one.  I did a bunch of research and reading about different specs, and companies and what-not, and where is what I have boiled my decision down to, so I'm just looking for a bit of personal opinions or feedback from you guys.

What kind of laser I'm looking for:
- Green (this is fact the green laser forum  :))
- High enough mW to be impressive in darkness for optic displays (i realize thats not much, but im looking at 50mW being my low end, because of the next criterion)
- I would like to be able to do some, if not lots of burning and balloon popping and all of that fun stuff
- I don't want to spend more then about $150-$175, but the cheaper the better

So here are some of the options I've looked at :

- UltraLasers 80 mW - $135 + $25 Shipping = $160 (im not shipping expedited, i read what happened to the one members DX200)

- UltraLasers 100mW - $165 + $25 Shipping = $190

- DL Viper 75 - $160

- DX 50 mW - $54   (not sure if I want to go higher then DX 50mW, i read about the IR problems higher then 50)

- Possibly DX 200 mW - only if I can be sure that I will be able to add a better funtioning IR filter $120

- NovaLasers x65 - ~$135 without case after rebate and shipping, ~$155 with case after rebate and shipping

- NovaLasers x85 - ~$160 without case after rebate and shipping, ~180 with case after rebate and shipping

So, any input on these companies / lasers would be much appreciated, as well as possible alternitives.  And again, hello to everyone and thanks for the help!


I would HIGHLY suggest the Nova Lasers X85.
DX is sketchy to me, and I haven't researched UltraLasers before.
But with NL you will always get an OVER spec laser. They will also write the average and peak mW's on the box.
For another $30 they will send you a power chart with the laser.
Though I don't have a laser in my possession yet I have been learning like there's no tomorrow and actually have my first in transit right now!
Good luck on your purchase and let us know how everything goes.
if price is the issue dx sells a 50mw for $26, if you're willing to spend $25 on shipping i'd say get the 50. you cant go wrong with dx* (i've a couple of lasers an they impressive, my new 30mw pops balloons), plus you'll still have enough left over to get any of the other lasers you've listed

*if something does go wrong it's not my fault
The DL 95 also tend to be underated... What I mean is they usually perform better than expected for a 95mw.
I think they may be 125's that didn't quite make the grade to be called a 125mw.

They have a very good reputation amongst those who own them.. I have the 125mw and love it.
