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FrozenGate by Avery

bought 5mW green laser, obviously more than 5, will these safety glasses work well?


Nov 6, 2015
ok so i bought a 5mW 532 nm green laser from a friend today, it says it is under 5mW but it is obviously much more. it appears to be this one
Cheap True Green Laser Pen 5mW
i was wondering if these safety glasses would be alright for it
Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles
i know that the laser is very cheap and probably not good quality but it was only 10$-also i only use this outside and i dont point it anywhere near myself or other people
edit--this laser doesnt appear to have an IR filter, are there any glasses that can protect against the visible beam and the IR light?
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Considering there is usually a bunch of IR coming from those cheap 532nm's, I suggest you invest a bit in a laser with an IR filter installed. The safety goggles are good, but they won't block the IR coming from it.
ty micheal thats just what i need and gozer i'll probably be buying a higher quality one soon
