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Better burner?

Jan 8, 2008
I've yet to decide. Which do you think is a better burner out of the two: The dilda, or a ~100 blu ray?
My dilda averages at around 220mW and my blu ray around 100mW and I've yet to decide which one is the better burner.

I'd have to say the 405, because it burns many more colored surfaces then red, you probably wouldn't even feel the red on your skin (unless you're dark skinned) but not with the blu-ray!
But when it comes to black stuff, I bet the dilda would win. :P
405nm SEEMS to be unbiased about what you want to burn, unless its florescent
then it will a lot trouble burning. The wavelength also gives you better focus so you can make the dot smaller. Red just uses pure power to burn. If I had to choose between the two I'd take the BR.

