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Best way to remove anodizing and polish up a host?

Aug 25, 2010
I'm looking to remove the anodizing from a C8 and give it a good bloody polish :p

What would be the best way to go about doing both?
Personal experience with chemicals vs sanding..ect


Anodizing is very hard, in my personal experience you have to use chemicals to take it off.

I use Draino Max Gel to first take the anodizing off then put the host in my lathe and use pergessively finer sand paper and finish off on a buffing wheel.

Do not use coarse sand paper as it will leave deep scratches that you will never get out and will always show trough your pollish job.
Start with Draino then 400grit wet/dry sand paper with a little water.

Remember to rinse the Draino off really well as it eats aluminum too and only leave the host in the Draino long enough to remove the anodization.
You need acid. But I forgot what type of acid...

Draino contains Sodium Hydroxide also known as Caustic Soda and takes anodizing off very well, so well that if you leave your host in too long it will eat away the aluminum.

Only do this in a well ventilated area as the fumes produced are toxic and very flamible.
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Easiest is NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) a very strong base and used as a drain cleaner (draino). Make sure you don't buy the H2SO4 or Sulphuric Acid based draino, as this on its own wont work. TBH I wouldn't bother trying the acidic method as the solutions required are more complicated and difficult to obtain. :beer:

Edit: Well I obviously don't type quickly enough...;)
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dilute the NaOH, and leave the host until most of the ano has come off - then polish it. if you leave it in too long the surface starts getting textured.
Dont use hydrochloric acid :eg:

Also Greased Lightning is said to work but I have only used draino, I used max gel but the crystals are supposed to be better. I have purchased both grease lightning and the draino crystals to try but have not had the time.
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Yeah I've heard of using Draino to remove it, Seems it might be the best way without spending heaps

I've actually already got some crystals here, Should I give that a try do you think?
If you feel comfortable enough take the leap! Just be safe i wear rubber gloves and also be in a well vented area it has some nasty fumes. It shouldn't take too long and don't over do it or you will get pits in your aluminum :( also if you got an old toothbrush use it .

Also if you don't want to mess up your light somehow i know mrcrouse offers a polishing service. He does some pretty good work
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I might go ahead and use the gel if I can find some because I know that'll work non the less
Should I worry about covering up the threads? I've heard in some cases it can eat through it?

Also what do you suggest I put the Drano in to give the host a bath?
Don't worry about the threads if they melt away than the threads are probably not your only problem ;) I broke my flashlight up and put the pieces in solo cups and sat them in my shower incase I spilled it. You can use any plastic bowl or container, don't use an aluminum bowl lol. with the gel it can take up to 2-3 hours I don't know how quick the crystals work but i constantly check it like a crazy person.
Ok cool, Yep I've got it all taken apart and ready to go!
I just bought some Drano gel just then so I'll see how it goes I suppose, Worse case is I lose a $6 light and I've got some spare Drano :p

I'll make sure to update this thread with pictures and what not afterwards.. Then it's onto polishing!
The Draino Max Gel takes about 20 minutes. I take my hosts apart and put them in a pyrex mixing bowl and with gloves on help it along with an old tooth brush. Give it 5 minutes before scrubbing it though.

Don't breath the fumes!!!!

Also if I have hosts with threads I'm worried about I rub a bit of paraffin wax into the threads.

Small sun pollish job.

BIGGUN purchased this build.
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The Draino Max Gel takes about 20 minutes. I take my hosts apart and put them in a pyrex mixing bowl and with gloves on help it along with an old tooth brush. Give it 5 minutes before scrubbing it though.

Don't breath the fumes!!!!

Also if I have hosts with threads I'm worried about I rub a bit of paraffin wax into the threads.

AHHHH You just reminded me i diluted mine 1:4. I did this because I was afraid of ruining it. That is why my time took so long thank you for the save for him and sorry for the wrong info you deserve a +1
I plan on doing it outside and I'll be keeping a close eye on it while taking all the necessary precautions, I'll see if I can find an old tooth brush to give it a hand also

When you say the Drano Max gel.. I've got the "Ultra gel" does it matter or?
It's the only one they had, It's a 750mL in a orange container if that helps

Possibly different strengths with Max vs Ultra?

Also nice pics! looks great
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I plan on doing it outside and I'll be keeping a close eye on it while taking all the necessary precautions, I'll see if I can find an old tooth brush to give it a hand also

When you say the Drano Max gel.. I've got the "Ultra gel" does it matter or?
It's the only one they had, It's a 750mL in a orange container if that helps

Should work fine. Look for the ingredient Sodium Hydroxide.

Make sure you wear gloves and eye protection.
Wouldn't want to find out what Draino in the eye feels like. :eg:
