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FrozenGate by Avery

"Best" Pen laser?

Jul 2, 2011
I have been looking for the perfect portable, reliable, bring with you wherever laser for a long time, I have been unsuccessful in finding one. I looked before but I did not have a sufficient budget.

Here is what I am looking for in order of most important to least important:

  1. 532nm (although if there is a green diode that can produce what I am looking for that would work as well)
  2. TEM00
  3. Small beam diameter (2mm or smaller)
  4. Low divergence (1.2mRad or less)
  5. 50mW-200mW (more is better, but more than 150mW is unnecessary for the most part)
  6. Good host (solid build, good duty cycle, feels good in the hand etc preferably a pen host)
  7. Price should be less than $300, preferably between $100-$200

Any idea's? I am open to buying one from somebody on the forum or from a company.

This isn't really a WTB thread but I am willing to trade a 1.4W 445nm and a 150mW 532nm (wicked lasers E2) for one. The E2 has an o-like module in it and OK divergence.


If you can't get one from an LPF member, and if you don't mind the generic looking black host, I'd recommend looking at Optotronics. :)
I have one of their 150mW 532nm pens; works as good as the day I got it, and is probably my most used laser.

Beam is approx.1mm dia.
Divergance is 1 to 1.2 mRad
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If you can't get one from an LPF member, and if you don't mind the generic looking black host, I'd recommend looking at Optotronics. :)
I have one of their 150mW 532nm pens; works as good as the day I got it, and is probably my most used laser.

I have been recommended that before, I have stayed away because I don't like the host though. I would consider it however, have you measured the divergence of the one you have?
I have been recommended that before, I have stayed away because I don't like the host though. I would consider it however, have you measured the divergence of the one you have?

Laserbtb? They have some neat looking pen's for pretty cheap :)

I just finished a laser using the PL520 and the micro-boost driver! Does 3mins straight and it gets barely warm...! Interested?

Laserbtb? They have some neat looking pen's for pretty cheap :)

Been there done that, divergence was not good enough

I just finished a laser using the PL520 and the micro-boost driver! Does 3mins straight and it gets barely warm...! Interested?


What's the divergence? I have not been keeping up with green diode info but isn't the divergence pretty bad? What's the power?
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Can't tell for sure because I haven't measured it but it produces a tight round spot using a 3-ellement lens! It outputs 74mW using the previous lens and 100mW using a O-like's G2 lens! :beer:
EDIT: Searched the forum a bit, looks like they got a pretty good divergence 0.5mRad ;)

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Can't tell for sure because I haven't measured it but it produces a tight round spot using a 3-ellement lens! It outputs 74mW using the previous lens and 100mW using a O-like's G2 lens! :beer:


Well let me know the divergence when you measure it and the beam diameter. Is it TEM00?
brendon, I have measured both the beam dia., and the divergence a while ago when hwang21was looking for a pen laser.
I have a pic of the beam next to a ruler showing the size; I can PM it to you, or post it here if you want, when I get home.
May I suggest something like a leadlight pen laser with a pl520 diode.

Elegant, powerful, and as Jim said above, the divergence is very good. And as I'm sure you know
diode lasers are much more stable with no fluctuations in power and are much less unpredictable than DPSS.

Take a look here for an excellent review on this kind of laser by gismo :beer:

Review: chromed leadlight 520nm pen laser
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Just measured it! 0.49mRad! :beer:


Is it really that good? What is the beam diameter? I want pictures :thanks:

brendon, I have measured both the beam dia., and the divergence a while ago when hwang21was looking for a pen laser.
I have a pic of the beam next to a ruler showing the size; I can PM it to you, or post it here if you want, when I get home.

Thanks, I will take it into consideration, diodes intruige me but I think DPSS has a better beam diameter.

May I suggest something like a leadlight pen laser with a pl520 diode.

Elegant, powerful, and as Jim said above, the divergence is very good. And as I'm sure you know
diode lasers are much more stable with no fluctuations in power and are much less unpredictable than DPSS.

Take a look here for an excellent review on this kind of laser by gismo :beer:

Review: chromed leadlight 520nm pen laser

How much different is the color? I have seen pictures but in person I'm sure it's different. How is the beam diameter? Is it TEM00?
color is more on the green what ive seen forest green some call it ,the beam on 520 is a bit thicker since its diode then 532 lasers, and its TE00 if not mistaken not TEM00.
Is it really that good? What is the beam diameter? I want pictures :thanks:

Thanks, I will take it into consideration, diodes intruige me but I think DPSS has a better beam diameter.

How much different is the color? I have seen pictures but in person I'm sure it's different. How is the beam diameter? Is it TEM00?

520nm is more of a forest green for sure! I'll try to get some pics for ya when it get's dark here! Single-Mode diode lasers tend to have better divergence but worse beam diameter than DPSS ones! :beer:

EDIT: Here is a picture of the dot 8.5meters away from the laser while focused to infinity. Beam diameter at that point about 5mm! :beer:

Have a nice day,
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If would go for for a laserbtb pen. But then again that is all that i have experience with! Cost wise you cant go wrong. Also take 100mW version. It is much more stable.

Or, you take a sinner copper pen. Like the one i built in my 445nm. And drop in a dpss module. (I have some fasttech's that are suprisingly consisten in divergence and power. They would especially be in the copper host.


