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Best PC game?


Mar 7, 2008
Ok im bias here- if you think of any better games please post them and ill add them if I agree toehrwise tick the other box!
personally its portal for me.... with COD4/5, sims 1&2 and sim city following behind....

Portal is a ridiculously cool game.

I'm in no position to recommend games because I don't play that many, but of the very few that I do play, I really enjoy Nexuiz:

Unfortunately, after the video card died on my desktop at home, I more or less stopped playing.
Nexiuz and Tremulous

Tremulous has the most depth and strategy I've ever experienced in an FPS.

Both are free, btw.
They may lack a bit graphics wise. In my opinion, no FPS out there comes close to the complexity of Tremulous. So much depth in that game.

Nexiuz is very Quake 3-ish.

The reason I love Trem is because FPS have gone stale. With very limited exceptions (BF1942), all FPS are the same. Just different maps and different guns. That's why I've always hated Halo. Halo 1, 2 & 3 are the exact same game, just with new maps.

Trem brings a whole new dimension to the genre. Humans vs Aliens. Humans get upgradable weapons, aliens get upgradable combat skills. Humans are ranged, aliens have more HP and are faster. Base building is the most difficult skill, but some argue the most important to learn.
