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FrozenGate by Avery

batteries, who do you guys use

May 15, 2007
i've been doing a bit of reading. things i need to start up a laser hobby.


how do these fare against daily use(for the next couple of weeks at least, my first high quality laser)

what brand would you guys use?

do generic rehcargables work just as well?

i just picked up a 4 pack of AAA hybrids after work. i hear these are pretty good for use in consumer electronics.
but i don't know if powerful lasers fit under that category as well.

Green lasers - Li-ion if you want the best performance. Ni-Mh if you want rechargeables. The higher the mAh on Ni-Mh the better.

Red lasers - Ni-Mh with the highest mAh you can find. Li-ion will damage a red laser permanently.
Not if it has any sort of half decent regulator which all lasers should have.
AFAIK this misunderstanding came from WL Pulsars which have no regulator.
