I have not bought the laser yet but it will be probably a DX L-030 30mW or DX Romisen L-A030 30mW. I don't have the bateries CR123A and they're not very common in Brasil so I went to DX to look for some of those but I saw minimum 10 different types. Wich type I want?
Soshine 650mA 3.0V
Soshine 700mA 3.7V
ART-E 800mA 3.7V
TrustFire 880mA 3.6V Protected
BTY 850mA 3.7V
and I think for the charger I'll pick the one of the same manufacturer.
Soshine 650mA 3.0V
Soshine 700mA 3.7V
ART-E 800mA 3.7V
TrustFire 880mA 3.6V Protected
BTY 850mA 3.7V
and I think for the charger I'll pick the one of the same manufacturer.