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FrozenGate by Avery

balloon popping with green in dark

Nov 28, 2006
does it matter if it is light or dark outside when trying to pop balloons with a green laser? is it easier to do in the dark?


harrisonj said:
does it matter if it is light or dark outside when trying to pop balloons with a green laser? is it easier to do in the dark?


I think you might have got a little mixed up here Harrison.....you mean its easier to pop DARKER balloons as the dark balloon surface eg black or red will absorb green laser energy far better than a lighter colored balloon, so the darker balloons POP better/quicker.
Most lighter balloons like white will never pop as energy is reflected off it instead of being absorbed. ;)
id that did not answer your question, then this will. it does not matter what the ambient light is. if its dark out, it will look cooler, but it will pop the same during the day and night, unless you leave the balloon in hte sun to heat up :s
