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FrozenGate by Avery

Bad DX 20,s

Jun 12, 2007
  :(  I bought a 20Mw from deal extreme and was so impressed with the output  (i could see the beam indoors with low light and really bright at night) that i ordered another one right away
Later the next day the output of the laser dropped (tried several brands of new batteries with no luck) So i returned it. The second laser i had ordered arrived and was so dim you couldnt even see the beam in the dark.(so i returned it) The replacement for the first return just arrived today and thats so low theres no beam even in the dark either . SO.. can someone tell me what to expect in a visual output from a properly working 20 mw laserpointer.
The DX advertising is not very explicit but DOES say it should be seen in the dark and lowlight for the 20 mw.
I need to complain politely  to Deal Extreme but i want my facts right .
Also is it possible to "pot adjust" this model? Thanks for all advice.  
PS.. i have to say that i might just have been unlucky with the lasers i have recieved,DX have refunded the postage and they seem genuine and helpful..

OUCH !! Sorry you have had such rotten luck with them :( One thing you might do is send them an email in advance of your order, and ask them to verify the output prior to shipment ? They do not have apower meter there, but they can at least pop in a couple of batteries and test it for brightness, I would think. You should be able to see the beam when it is dark with no issues - I can see the beam of a 5mw I own with no issues when it is dark.
The QC issue is not on DXs end. The prices they sell these for is amazing and I'm sure if they even paid someone to open the box and put in batts to test them they're be losing money.

The lasers are made by a company called NewWish that exemplifies most of the Chinese manufacturer stereotypes, most notably: cheap - in terms of price and quality. These are heavily mass produced with little of the respect a DPSS laser needs to run well and its not surprising too surprising IMO if you get defective, underpower, easily broken, etc lasers. There are some good ones in the lot though so I guess you're just stuck RMAing and hoping, or giving up. Sorry!

In the future there are better companies to buy lasers from that are better made and more reliable, but the prices will be much higher and there is still always a chance of a defect.
