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Anyone else tired of waiting for the future?

Oct 24, 2009
Fair elections, flying cars, a decent gaming experience without paying to win, genetically engineered catboys (and catgirls I guess), clean and safe water for all, energy that doesn't cost an arm and a leg OR harm the planet, all of these things seem to be ideas of a bygone era when we were told the future was imminent! Kids these days just say 'O.K. Boomer nocap skibidi gyat phantom tax' and post my whining on the tiktok machine whenever I rant about these utopian ideals, but I ain't getting any younger and I'm tired of being told the future is just around the corner. /rant

I joke, somewhat. The future is indeed now, I'm amazed every day at the laser options now vs. ten years ago, AI is impressive but scary as people race to 'create god', entertainment is so easy to get now we're all jaded and pandering is pretty intense putting some of us off it altogether but it does exist in spades, and for a select few of us lucky enough to be born in the right circumstances we live cleaner and safer lives than generations past.

What are you looking forward to in our imminent future? Any technology, innovations, discoveries, etc that give you hope for our species? Just curious, please share.
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I am definitely down for the catboys and catgirls. That is a far greater objective than solving climate change or achieving world peace. :D


We'd just have to decide what ear layout is best.

I'm looking forward to AI helping us extend not only the length of the human lifespan but the quality of life as we age, this will no doubt be accomplished in no small part by curing diseases.

I also hope this technology will be available to the masses and not just the uber wealthy sooner than later.

Along the lines of cat ears for all who want them, human bodily modification will be exciting.
A couple of thoughts for the pessimists.... X-ray vision and turbo penis.... what more could a guy ask for ??

But seriously, imagine curing the blind and returning the chronically ill to good health as well as increasing abilities and slowing aging.... yes it will bring new issues to light, but I expect the adjustments will be well worth it.
Wow, just when I thought I'd seen every catgirl/boy meme in existence. Lol.

I look forward to post-scarcity, I dunno if the current global cabal of greedy corporations would ever let it happen but infinite clean energy and therefore clean water, food, transport, etc seems very possible through something like fusion. Funny how suddenly on the precipice of real progress the political push of nuclear = scary is very intense.
Red mentioned curing the blind. We already have electronic eyes that allow the blind to see, after a fashion. In time, the electronic eyes will see better than natural eyes. At that point in time, wouldn't it be cruel to force a new born baby to live with crappy, natural eyes? Eyes are just one example... resistance is futile.
Speaking of AI, The NY Times has an article out today that says these giant servers and computers are using more and more energy. The new idea is that within a decade they will eat up 10% of all electricity in the U.S.
Speaking of AI, The NY Times has an article out today that says these giant servers and computers are using more and more energy. The new idea is that within a decade they will eat up 10% of all electricity in the U.S.
Thats at least in part why we've seen an uptick and push for ARM architecture CPUs lately. Generally the ARM architecture is way more energy efficient than x86. I think a lot of data centers and server farms have switched or are in the process of switching to ARM CPUs.
Wow, just when I thought I'd seen every catgirl/boy meme in existence. Lol.

I look forward to post-scarcity, I dunno if the current global cabal of greedy corporations would ever let it happen but infinite clean energy and therefore clean water, food, transport, etc seems very possible through something like fusion. Funny how suddenly on the precipice of real progress the political push of nuclear = scary is very intense.
Post scarcity would be nice. I'm mixed on fusion power because on one hand, we've seen some important milestones reached lately, and if it can be made viable the prospect of that much zero emission energy production would be amazing. But on the other hand, I feel like the money being sunk into fusion research might be better spent further developing fission power and getting more fission plants built, since fission is a proven technology that we have right now.

I wish public perception of nuclear was more based on hard fact and not fear and emotion. Those damn Russians cutting corners and causing the Chernobyl meltdown did so much damage to the image of nuclear energy.
Post scarcity would be nice. I'm mixed on fusion power because on one hand, we've seen some important milestones reached lately, and if it can be made viable the prospect of that much zero emission energy production would be amazing. But on the other hand, I feel like the money being sunk into fusion research might be better spent further developing fission power and getting more fission plants built, since fission is a proven technology that we have right now.

I wish public perception of nuclear was more based on hard fact and not fear and emotion. Those damn Russians cutting corners and causing the Chernobyl meltdown did so much damage to the image of nuclear energy.
The Fukushima disaster didn't help nuclear energy as well, even more so than the Chornobyl meltdown did...
The Fukushima disaster didn't help nuclear energy as well, even more so than the Chornobyl meltdown did...

Fukushima was far less a disaster than Chernobyl though. But I guess it did strike nuclear fear into a whole new generation.
It should have. That disaster dumped radioactive stuff into the ocean. That should worry everyone.

Not really. Its not a good thing, but the ocean is huge, so it was diluted pretty quickly. Between contaminating land and contaminating the ocean, I'd choose the ocean.
Not really. Its not a good thing, but the ocean is huge, so it was diluted pretty quickly. Between contaminating land and contaminating the ocean, I'd choose the ocean.

Of course. That's why the ocean is full of plastic that is breaking down and getting into our food supply.
