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Am I safe? Was this resposible to try?

Sep 5, 2013

So I just went outside to try my 2W Green laser, before I put in the batteries I turn my head the other way to make sure the light wouldnt hit my eyes(if Ithe button was accidentaly on the "On" Position).

Anyway it was so I turned it off(Still with head turned).

I then turned it on again and aimed it at cement and did not look directly at the DOT
I DONT HAVE GOGGLES YET. Was it safe? I always kept my head turned at least 90 Degrees :) thanks.

I know these are no joke, and I do not aim these at planes/people.

Thank you,


PS: Only 16 :P

Your 2W laser is probably around 200mW so you are most likely fine.
I paid $123 for it, It's from a trusted chinese seller I buy alot of lasers from. I have bought a 200mW laser from them, this looks nothing like it. It's hard just to even look at the beam with my head at 90 Degrees.
For 123$ you probably cant even get the pump diode for a 2W DPSS. Like I said its most likely around 2 to 300mW. Link the laser you purchased.
Yeah not 2W. There isnt enough laser there to dissipate the heat from a 5W plus pump diode. Looks like a typical Chinese green module laser. Typical max output probably around 200mW if your lucky. The other one you purchased is most likely way under spec as well.

Dont believe me buy an lpm and meter it. Or send it to a member near, ? No idea you haven't updated your profile, to have it metered.
Hum...I think it's 2W. The Artic Sypder laser is almost the same size and they sell units of up to 1.4W.

Im not trying to be an asshole, I just am curious about all this..
They do not sell a 1.4W 532 laser. A 2W 532 handheld would be really hard to build and would probably set you back a few grand.
Its not 2W. We're experienced members, some of us have been screwed by similar ads in the past. If 2W green lasers were that cheap everybody on this forum would have a 2W green laser, much like everybody having a 1W blue.

Size of the unit means nothing. I have a 40lb argon laser that outputs 20mW.
Hum...I think it's 2W. The Artic Sypder laser is almost the same size and they sell units of up to 1.4W.

Im not trying to be an asshole, I just am curious about all this..

The Arctic may be similar in size, but blue diodes are a lot easier to maintain and power than DPSS greens.

There's no way that that thing is 2 watts at that price, battery size, or host size (unless the duty cycle was small).

Your 2W laser is probably around 200mW so you are most likely fine.

That doesn't seem like safe logic to me. 200mW is dangerous even if we have 3+ watt lasers. Just because it is lower powered doesn't make it low powered.
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