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Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:D


Dec 9, 2007
So yea, I was getting bored ;D These are a few alternate names I could come up with for the largest and most expensive experiment in human history, what about you guys? :D

Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

Do you not like the LHC? I'm wondering because all the names you listed in poll have negative connotations except one. Calling the LHC a waste of money is really hitting below the belt. Sure that money can be used directly to help people but dedicating money to scientific research pays off by assisting all mankind indirectly.

Think about all the things public funds provided to the scientific community has done for mankind. The list is endless. Yes, people will complain that there are starving people around the world and the money can be used for that instead but what are the circumstances surrounding famine? It's not a lack of money or worldwide support to eradicate it. The primary reason people are starving is governments of countries stricken with famine refuse to accept outsiders in their country as they believe it will somehow weaken their totalitarian politics. Countries that do accept foreign aid often divert those donations and use it as leverage against the population or political adversaries. Somalia is a classic example of such a policy. Scientific research and development is never a waste of money even when some funds go to the most obscure experiments.

Now please, this is not an attack on you. My point is that your list tends to be negative. The rest is a tangent brought to light from one of the choices as I have heard such comments before relating to research.
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:


some options were very tempting.

but 42 is really the answer to everything. so 42 it is.

i dont like people bashing scientists that worked their a$$es off to make the LHC.

i completely agree with frothy.
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

No don't get me wrong.I think the LHC is the best thing since before I was born.And it's also some feat of engineering. :P I can't wait to see what will be discovered with the data provided by the LHC.
In no way I'm calling it a waste of money.Those were some random names I thought of , being inspired by comments on youtube, and do not reflect my personal opinion. ::)

Actually I made the poll cause I read about a competition for an alternate name with a 500 euro prize because the lesser educated public just can't make anything out of "large hadron collider" and many of them actually read "hardon" :D

I see someone voted wasteofmoney already. :P
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

I can't wait for them to start actual high energy collisions. They might discover some really fascinating things and all of the doomsday nuts can stfu and start worrying about 2012 or some other crap ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

The “Apocalypse Generator” made me laugh, and was tempting for my vote, but doesn’t connect truly in my heart. “Worldscrewer” is nothing more then what’s happening slowly anyway. “Lolwut” also seems like a valid choice…but ultimately, I checked “Other”: “Most Ridiculous Scientific Experiment Ever”, because there are many factors I’m sure none of us know. The money, who gives a shit anyway, not like we can save the world now or see that money spent on something more “beneficial” anyway! And I don’t mean “ridiculous” in a bad way, just an extreme, mind blowing, crazy, I don’t understand why, almost fictional way. ;D ::) 8-) :o [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=cry.gif] [smiley=undecided.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

large hardon collider is also a very gay name :D Why didn't anyone pick it? :-/

You homophobes! ;D
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

A portal into the 11th dimension(to bad it instantly collapses. :P

Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

I think it is absolutely one of the most amazing science experiments in all history. And about the humanitarian regards, did you know that the Internet was invented BECAUSE of the need for computer-to-computer networking in the LHC? Think about how much more the average person can learn about a certain society and the ways to help by using the Internet. And a million other ways.

On another note... large hard-on collider! Ha! That really is hilarious, I might just start calling it that around my friends to annoy them.

Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

how bout:

hammer smashed face
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

How about the continuum transfunctioner ??
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

Or the infinite improbablility drive ?
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

or shut the f**k up and let the Scientists work :)

what starts with "F" and ends with "uck"?

Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

will be interesting to hear about what they learn...... as long as its not a black hole generator!!! :o lol
Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

COOLEST geek toy; maybe the last?

Let's all download the data and find out how wrong present theorys are?

Did you see all the PCs networked to the sensors? Thousands

Re: Alternate names for the Large Hadron Collider:

hydrogenman15 said:
A portal into the 11th dimension(to bad it instantly collapses. :P


LOL... I'm quoting myself. ;D :-/

I think we should call it the "WTF machine" because we can never be 100% sure WTF we will find.

