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A few newbie questions.

Jan 2, 2017
Some input would be greatly appreciated. I am wondering if something like this(see link below)
Wismec Reuleaux RX200 Jaybo Designs Triple 18650 Mod

Would Be a good starting point for a powerful hand-held? Using the unit to drive the diodes directly? The VR is stout, with one limitation-.2 ohms is the resistance limit. Yet voltage/wattage are user-settable from 0-9v and 0-250 watts. Made to house a trio of 18650's. The 510 connector is pretty standard, the duty cycle at .2 ohm output is continuous.... it exceeds the power requirements I do believe, yet that is adjustable. Several of the heads have set-screw power connectorsthat would direct-wire a diode pair......any input?

I haven't looked at the waveform this type of device produces. Given that it is driving a resistive load, however, I see no reason for it to have constant current or ripple-free operation. Unless the circuitry is designed way beyond what is needed for the original application, these will instantly kill a laser diode.
So basically no less than a pretty big resistor(inefficient) combined with a few caps to smith ripple would be needed. Was just an idea...

That said-im completely ignorant on the topic of lasers and haven't had time to read much...any links on the forum which show component size/requirements to do something in the 400-500 mw range?
Like I said in your Welcome thread....

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0Most regulated devices will not work. You will get errors like no atomizer detected and over ohms. This is with the diode + driver modules. Take a look at the cricket upgrade kit on eBay. Or look for a series box mod, pwn is fine.
EDIT I get what your trying to do. You must use a driver made for lasers. You could consider an unregulated box mod or pwm box mod as just a power supply and connection interface. Don't bother with anything that detects resistance.
Here is food for thought.








I wish our builders on the forum would use this interface more often. It is so clean.
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