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FrozenGate by Avery

95mW or 125mW from DragonLasers

Nov 18, 2006

I found this site from a link on DragonLasers. I am thinking of getting a laser from DragonLasers, either the 125mW or 95mW. Will there be any difference in terms of beam visibility for indoor lighting conditions between these two lasers?

Also, are these the same exact lasers that WickedLasers sells? They look similar, but I doubt they are the same exact thing because the prices between WickedLasers and DragonLasers are much different.


Hi GreenBeamSean....Welcome to the forum :)

Firstly, Dragonlasers have had difficulty getting there lasers to some customers. Are you in the USA. If so, several Drgonlasers have been confiscated by US customs. We understand this is because Dragon have not put laser warning stickers on the units but we still don't know this for sure. I would hold off for a few weeks until we find out whats going on.......so stay tuned here ;)

As for the difference in brightness between the 95mw & 125mW....the answer is NO real significant difference. As a rule of thumb.....a laser has to be 4 times more powerful to be twice as bright....so you need a 400mW laser to see twice the brightness of a 95/100mW laser.

It has been said that the 125mW beam looks very very slightly more solid than the 95mW but other than that, no real difference.
It might burn a little better though, light matches, burst balloons but both lasers are very very close indeed.
They are known as CNI models and where the type of laser Wicked used to stock but now they have another type, ablack model with better dot size(mRad) and thicker beam.

Hope this helps ;)
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As NairB said, there will be very little in brightness. They are both advertised to do the same tricks. I have a 95mw Nexus, it can easily light matches, burn tape.
