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FrozenGate by Avery

75mw Phoenix from Wicked Lasers...

Jun 30, 2007
Just ordered this two nights ago and I'm getting antsy.

Anyone out there know what to expect from this particular model?

As long as you get one that is in specs - you will love it, I am certain ! ;D

All kidding aside - if you have never had a high powered greenie - you are in for a treat - they are TONS of fun ! 8-)
My first greenie period. =o

I'm hoping to have a blast with it on my next deployment...it should be arriving about 1-2 days after I get to the ship. 8-)
Just don't take it outside after darken ship !!! Arrrgh ! Nighvision gets messed pretty bad as it is - withough brilliant green light being reported as descending towards the ship....you would have the GQ bells ringing for sure ! LOL !!!

Also - something you will NEED to pick up - since it will be exposed to LOTS of salty air - get a lensepen - you'll see the review in the companies and reviews area - that will save your laser's lense from getting all kindsa screwed up from the sea air, I would think ! Did you get a Dragon case for it ? You should, if you didn't - it's only $10.00 more, and very durable, and almost required if you are gonna slide that sucker in your pocket all the time 8-)

Yeah - ex-Navy myself - finally got hte hell outta Florida, to Texas ! Enjoy it, man - those are fun as hell !
Haha. I plan on causing havok this cruise. It is my last ride afterall. =D

5 years goes by so quickly... Nope, no Dragon case though. $160 phone bill on top of the laser broke this paycheck pretty quick. I'll definately pick up something to protect the case though. Thanks for the advice!
A phoenix laser will reveal your position faster than a hippie on payday. I'm sure you already knew this, but I'll sleep better now. Safe passage and Godspeed to all of you guys. My respect and gratitude to you and yours.
Placebo said:
A phoenix laser will reveal your position faster than a hippie on payday. I'm sure you already knew this, but I'll sleep better now. Safe passage and Godspeed to all of you guys. My respect and gratitude to you and yours.

Ahahah. Hippie on payday. Nice
Extremite said:
Just ordered this two nights ago and I'm getting antsy.  

Anyone out there know what to expect from this particular model?

How much did you pay for it ??

