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FrozenGate by Avery

60 watt burning laser cuts thu iron

iron? It looks like the cover to one of those large aluminum cans...

Anyway HOLY CRAP that's a lot of power!! Nice find ;)
yeah, i could be alluminium as well, it seems like that. I just read the youtube comments on it being iron thats being cutted.

anyhow, its indeed alot of power to scorch things .. this is way beyond popping ballons or lighting matches 8-)
Cxrazy said:
me want...

What would that beam lookm like shooting into the night? :o

actually i think that WOULD be illigal since you risk burning possible life forms from the surface of mars ;D
Can is be really 60W if the input power is only 3v*70A=210W? That's almost 30% efficiency! I thought DVD diodes were only about 10% efficient max. Is it possible to get up to 30%??
well, since you don't have to filter the ir light through dpss filters, its possible to get a much better effienceny on the ir laser diode.
That is scary. I wouldn't even want a laser that powerful.

lol, that's a little mroe than 1/2 the power I'm wanting. Trying to get a 100W CO2, though the 1MegaWatt YAG is also tempting ;)
Ashton said:
lol, that's a little mroe than 1/2 the power I'm wanting. Trying to get a 100W CO2, though the 1MegaWatt YAG is also tempting ;)

WHY!??!!  :o
Are IR lasers different than IR that green lasers give off? Or are the beams in IR lasers just as dangerous?
most highend CNC laser cutters use CO2 mid/far infrareds around 10000nm very divergant.... but at 100w even like a 0.1% reflection or refraction will break your eyes..... ( explode your cornea)
