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FrozenGate by Avery

580nm dpss laser?


Active member
Feb 1, 2021
Hello everyone, I recently bought a 574nm dpss laser from Lasence. it arrived today, when I turned it on, I was met with a golden yellow, not as golden as a 589 but more than the opt 575. When I tested it out on my Spectrometer, It showed a wavelength between 577nm and 580nm. I decided to underpower the laser to see what the pump diode is, I expected it to be infrared like all the other dpss lasers I owned but to my surprise, I got a greenish blue light from the laser, it was to weak to test with my spectrometer. if someone knows, can someone tell me what wavelength this green light is? also The module looks slightly different than my optlaser 575. If you need to see any pictures of the spectrometer graph or the module, I can send post It.

These DPSS modules seem to be tunable to some degree, 577-580nm does not seem impossible as I have one in the 575-576nm range. I believe someone stated in the past these crystals glow green below threshold or misaligned... thought it was you but maybe zenodilodon.

Likely the blue-green is non-laser light as a side emission from the crystal, my opt 570 does that. Almost certain there is a ton of unfiltered IR coming out of it still, be careful.

Edit: my green emission is centered around 514nm but appears to be an emission around 20nm wide.
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Be happy you got something to play with instead of nothing to play with, if just a hobby level need.
Maybe you got a second from their trial and error of problem ridden production of low end product experimenting-maybe not?

It realty doesn't matter much what the Lasence sells or isn't selling of wobbly product technology and production problems in the real laser world. I get the pretty clear impression from reports about Lasence that they are in part funded by several levels of China gov grants and investment and have to show at least a little progress for the $s made available to them, so...

The low quality Lasence stuff is what it is, not particularly marketable low end, low cost, stage and novelty laser lighting is not worth much attention even by Lasence. A sample piece sold here or there to laser hobby people as a curiosity is meaningless in terms of the $$$ needed to operate and keep the doors open.

In the global scheme of the real world laser business, the dollar value of all the laser pointers combined sold annually by all sellers is mostly insignificant --- to laser hobby and enthusiasts even less so.
The global Laser market was valued at USD 1,747.7 million in 2020 and will reach USD 2,014.9 million by the end of 2027, growing at a CAGR of 2.4% during 2022-2027

Lasence is way out of the mainstream of any serious and credible laser maker that addresses the real world needs and uses of same. Lasence is a relatively insignificant Chinese laser company.

You can't expect too much of them for the very little $s spent.
You are lucky they sold you anything at all of not fully developed or otherwise product to fiddle with of that level of product.
Order 1,000 for ASAP delivery or 10,000 of them every 6 months or a year -now you matter to them , not much, but at least a little if they can supply reliably, depending.

For normal available wavelengths of high quality DPSS lasers, with an established market and a world wide need, sales, and use see CNI web site http://www.cnilaser.com/ are 545nm, 550nm, 555nm, 556nm, 561nm, 577nm, 579nm, 582nm, and 585nm
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Be happy you got something to play with instead of nothing to play with, if just a hobby level need.
Maybe you got a second from their trial and error of problem ridden production of low end product experimenting-maybe not?

It realty doesn't matter much what the Lasence sells or isn't selling of wobbly product technology and production problems in the real laser world. I get the pretty clear impression from reports about Lasence that they are in part funded by several levels of China gov grants and investment and have to show at least a little progress for the $s made available to them, so...

The low quality Lasence stuff is what it is, not particularly marketable low end, low cost, stage and novelty laser lighting is not worth much attention even by Lasence. A sample piece sold here or there to laser hobby people as a curiosity is meaningless in terms of the $$$ needed to operate and keep the doors open.

In the global scheme of the real world laser business, the dollar value of all the laser pointers combined sold annually by all sellers is mostly insignificant --- to laser hobby and enthusiasts even less so.
The global Laser market was valued at USD 1,747.7 million in 2020 and will reach USD 2,014.9 million by the end of 2027, growing at a CAGR of 2.4% during 2022-2027

Lasence is way out of the mainstream of any serious and credible laser maker that addresses the real world needs and uses of same. Lasence is a relatively insignificant Chinese laser company.

You can't expect too much of them for the very little $s spent.
You are lucky they sold you anything at all of not fully developed or otherwise product to fiddle with of that level of product.
Order 1,000 for ASAP delivery or 10,000 of them every 6 months or a year -now you matter to them , not much, but at least a little if they can supply reliably, depending.

For normal available wavelengths of high quality DPSS lasers, with an established market and a world wide need, sales, and use see CNI web site http://www.cnilaser.com/ are 545nm, 550nm, 555nm, 556nm, 561nm, 577nm, 579nm, 582nm, and 585nm
most of the time, for yellow, blue and green dpss lasers, cni is the best option, i just wanted to see what the fuss is with those lasence dpss lasers. but honestly, getting a yellow dpss laser for $200 is pretty nice!
