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FrozenGate by Avery

+- $350 = what to buy??


May 31, 2007
I am looking at getting a high powered green laser.
I have about $350 to spend, and want to know what I should get.
I would like the highest power available, longish duty cycle and long last on batteries.
I am looking at the Alpha series from Nova at the moment. Is it good?
I like the fact that it has like 3-4 hour runtime due to th AA batts.
Anythig else that I should look at?
Do the alpha have some known problems?

If you want a really long duty cycle I would invest another $50 and get a PPL from http://www.optotronics.com/ (And the 80,000 hours of life can't hurt anything ;) ) But the alpha series are good lasers too. Their duty cycle is 200 seconds on 20 seconds off but they have the 3 second delay. From what I've heard nobody has had problems witht he Alpha series.
What batts does the PPL take?
Yeah, the Alpha is nice.
Is the delay a pain or not really.
Comidt said:
What batts does the PPL take?
Yeah, the Alpha is nice.
Is the delay a pain or not really.

Don't ask what batts go look. It's a mandatory safety requirement. It prevents someone from damaging their eyesight like the fellow who oopsed with his laser class 3b pointer while cleaning it.
Yes, I Know it's a mandatory safety requirement for a class 3b, I'm just asking if it's gets a nuisance after a while.
Personally I would think it would be annoying. I like when my laser turns on when I turn it on!
I just got in some new CNI black/gold lasers today and am testing them out right now. I'm sure I can work you up a good deal if you're interested.
Chief-Eamonn posted a glowing review of the Alpha 105 in the LC forums - too bad the bums deleted it. >:(
roarg said:
Includine the IR ones? TALK TO ME PESUDO!

Just getting ready to go out to dinner. My meter has been busy on the greens, but I'll start testing the IRs later tonight.

I have tested two so far though, as well as a new pair of goggles. So far nothing but good news. I'll fill you in later.

Crossfire - as for the Alpha, I used to buy them from CNI. At first I was very excited as they seemed to be CNI black/golds in a better heatsink with AA batts. However, for reasons I can't explain, all the ones I've tested have proven incredibly unstable and unreliable - testing one level one day, and completely different the next.

I would think if they can do better on the pens, a heavier heatsink would only help... but apparently that isn't the case. Overall it was a pretty depressing revelation and I can no longer trust any power rating I'm told on them.
I just got in some new CNI black/gold lasers today and am testing them out right now. I'm sure I can work you up a good deal if you're interested.
I would definitely, well depending on the price ;)

Chief-Eamonn posted a glowing review of the Alpha 105 in the LC forums - too bad the bums deleted it.  
I saw his video, but I didn't read his review, it's a pity that LC has become so strict now. :(

as for the Alpha, I used to buy them from CNI. At first I was very excited as they seemed to be CNI black/golds in a better heatsink with AA batts. However, for reasons I can't explain, all the ones I've tested have proven incredibly unstable and unreliable - testing one level one day, and completely different the next.

I would think if they can do better on the pens, a heavier heatsink would only help... but apparently that isn't the case. Overall it was a pretty depressing revelation and I can no longer trust any power rating I'm told on them.
Oh :(
That sucks..
So what you saying is that I should rather get the 'X series' type then the 'Alpha' type. So the x-series is more reliable then?

Thanks Guys.
Pseudo - keep us posted about your CNI's...

PS - how do you get hold of them (CNI), I've sent lots of e-mails but I always get a letter from the 'postmaster' saying:
<cnitra@public.cc.jl.cn>: host public.cc.jl.cn[] said: 554
   Connection refused(mx). MAIL FROM [jonathanschmidt@axxess.co.za] mismatches
   client IP []. (in reply to MAIL FROM command)

Anyway, thanks
Not sure about contacting CNI, their e-mail is on their site. Its a pain in the ass to order anything from them though. First off you have to get past their rendition of english, then you get screwed over between hidden charges, bank fees, shipping fees, etc, etc, etc (found this out the hard way). It may be worth it if you want a quality module, but I'm getting sick and tired of ordering portables from them - especially because I have to spend a few k at a time to even overcome all the fees.

Perhaps try e-mailing them from a diff e-mail though? Marc at ctlasers was also have trouble getting through to them at first but when he finally got ahold of them he ended up buying an 800mW blue last I heard!
