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FrozenGate by Avery

"20mW" Green Module Review

Aug 26, 2014
Okay, so this is the "20mW" green DPSS laser module I won at an eBay auction hosted by laserlands (talked about it here). This little thing only set me back 2.5 bucks, so it's good for the price, whatever power it may be :D
Shipping took 16 days, not bad for something from China! The mailman said it would've probably costed laserlands money to only send it here :crackup:

So this is the module


My very professional setup :crackup:


The dot, with low exporsure:
(The flare is from my phone, irl it's a very clean dot)


A nice and Gaussian dot, this is without the collimation lens (round irl)


A beamshot, this is with my standard phone settings and blinds down


As you can see, it's a nice and thin beam. This thing can pop balloons, but lighting a match is a bit hard as I can't hold it steady enough :D
It can run about a minute on it's one before gets too hot (in my opinion, dunno for sure, being conservative about it).
Current draw for the nerds (looking at you, cyp) is around 350mA (as precise as my multimeter gets) from the battery, using a 4.5V one because it was simple to attach and had one lying around. This is definitely higher than the 200mA on the ebay listing, but I don't really care that much. If the diode is efficient, it's running around 400mW so that would be an optical output of ~80mW green (4x overspec :D). Not sure as I don't have an LPM.
I'm very happy with this little module and I will be putting it to good use (whatever that may be). It's brighter than my 301 ebay laser, but not by a whole lot.
Nighttime pics, divergence and other stuff will be added once I have some extra time.

EDIT: Oops, should've put this in "reviews". Oh well. Mods, move it please! :)
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Nice review! You just can't beat a greenie for less than $5. Especially not one with a visual beam. +Rep.
Heyyy, someone actually reads my complaints? :D 4.5V? Really? The IR pump is ~1.9V, so that's a lot of wasted power for a linear driver. What's the current draw at 3V? And how long before it gets hot at that input voltage?
Well, around the same time as the diode gets hot, so after ~1 minute. I will probably be using 2 NiMH batteries with this onr
