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FrozenGate by Avery

2.8w 445nm

Apr 14, 2013
I just bought a new laser from an user of this forum.
It's a 2.8w 445nm laser.
I know perfectly the advices of use glasses :p but i can't see anyone talking abought the SKIN DAMAGE.
What are the damages that a laser such this can do to our skin?

Any experience? Any advice?

Thanks guys :D

Hold a lighter to your hand and report back. Nah all jokes aside they burn. They burn anything they are pointed at. I get bite every now and then focusing the laser but other than that I like to keep my body parts out of the beam.

My advice is not to point it at ypurself or others.
Aye... Two years ago my buddy took my arctic and left a good mark on his skin... His excuse was "I wanted to see if it would hurt". He probably left it pointed there for a minute. I'll get a picture up tomorrow.

That's why I now keep my lasers in a locked drawer (minus the argon)
I would imagine that they would burn but...any radiation issue?
I mean, if the beam reflects on my skin multiple times, can a third eye grow into my face? :evil:
So, ZRaffleticket, probably the damage would not be always istant but it can be delayed?
Its just light at a very specific color. No foot growing out of your head radiation like youre thinking.
There are laser that output well outside of the visible spectrum and in ranges capable of such radiation but you wont find anything like that here. Or portable.
IIRC there are x ray lasers. There is the laser at NIF with 192 beams in the ultraviolet range. So it could cause a severe sunburn and cancer. At the powers it operates though you would be evaporated lol
