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1 mW and 200 plus mW 650 nm red laserpointers


Mar 18, 2012

I have a 1 mW red laserpointer (which is tested at 3 mW)

And i have a 5 mW (but tested at 200 plus mW) how is that possible, but im very very happy with the fact, that it puts out 200 plus mW, instead of a simple 5 mW.

But my question is,

1 The beam, visible spot distance of my 1 mW is about 500/600 meters, i guess. What will be the beam/visible spot distence of a red 650 nm 2 mW red laserpointer?

2 But how far can you see the visible spot of the 280 mW plus red laser?

What can i expect?

3 I will test ,shining to my friends house at 2000 meters/2 kilometres, from my house (its an open field between his and my house.

What can he expect to see, shining to him, with my red 650 nm 2 mW laserpointer.

4 And what can he expect to see, shining with my 280 mW red laser?

Thanks for helping me with this.



I have a 1 mW red laserpointer (which is tested at 3 mW)

And i have a 5 mW (but tested at 200 plus mW) how is that possible, but im very very happy with the fact, that it puts out 200 plus mW, instead of a simple 5 mW.

But my question is,

1 The beam, visible spot distance of my 1 mW is about 500/600 meters, i guess. What will be the beam/visible spot distence of a red 650 nm 2 mW red laserpointer?

2 But how far can you see the visible spot of the 280 mW plus red laser?

What can i expect?

3 I will test ,shining to my friends house at 2000 meters/2 kilometres, from my house (its an open field between his and my house.

What can he expect to see, shining to him, with my red 650 nm 2 mW laserpointer.

4 And what can he expect to see, shining with my 280 mW red laser?

Thanks for helping me with this.

If it's truly 2mW output, He won't see it. The 280mW red he should see quite fine in night time.
If it's truly 2mW output, He won't see it. The 280mW red he should see quite fine in night time.

Thanks for your reply.

1 Can he see the dot/spot on his house, when pointing at his house ,with my

my red 5 mW

50 mW greenie My 300 mW green beast.

280 mW red laserpointer? At a distance of 2 kilometres from his house.

I go try that out, but have to wait for new batteries, i run out of them, but get them from China, and that takes a lot of time.

Thanks for help.

Your posts are so hard to read! I don't even get what are you asking.

It all depends on power and divergence of the laser, and wavelength.
Its 2mW........ and how do you know the power output? Surely you don't have an LPM? i don't see why you would if you only have like ebay pens or something........
