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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. D

    Estimating Power Output

    I need some help estimating the current power output of my Blu Ray. I purchased it about a year and a half ago and it was reported to be a 160 mW phr. It is able to burn a hole the size of a needle in a cd case in 15 seconds. It will start to smoke and burn the surface of white walls and my...
  2. D

    WTB: Blu-Ray Laser >150mw $100 shipped

    Here it is: http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/pointers-sale-532-405-6x-330mw-4x-phrs-22555.html I haven't noticed any loss of power and am still able to burn most materials with it. The host doesn't have any signs of wear or paint loss.
  3. D

    WTB: Blu-Ray Laser >150mw $100 shipped

    I'm interested in selling my 160 mW phr. I purchased this from Wannaburn last year. It has around one hour of run time on it. The host is in good condition and it burns very well.
  4. D

    Mythbusters is popping corn with a laser.

    Hmm, I've seen delivery guys from Airgas roll the tanks. I was a little surprised. What would it take for them to explode?
  5. D

    Laser mythology.....

    What does that mean-bullets follow walls?
  6. D

    Is it worth starting?

  7. D

    300mW green laser for sale

    Why does he think someone is going to send him $400 without making any effort to build a reputation or establish his trustworthiness?
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    C'mon. There really isn't any excuse for arguing on these forums. I know some bad advice was given to Matt. But its important to criticize those ideas in a responsible manner rather than resorting to anger and personal attacks. Its also important to recognize there will always be different...
  9. D

    Awesome ebay auction...

    What are you guys reporting him for-his profit margins?
  10. D

    300mW green laser for sale

    Yeah, I'm suspicious of this post. The seller is not making any attempts to communicate with us or answer any questions. The picture of the laser is from a website.
  11. D

    United Nuclear website.

    Ahh, darn. There goes my plans for world domination. :(
  12. D

    United Nuclear website.

    They sell uranium too. :D
  13. D

    300mW green laser for sale

    $19.95 for the laser; C.O.D. only. And a free red pointer pen laser. :D
  14. D


    In the US you do not have to testify against yourself in trial and there isn't any legal obligation to assist an investigation against yourself. I believe there are laws that prevent you from destroying evidence and interfering with an investigation but I could be wrong. People are saying that...
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    I think it would be in Matt's best interests if we stop criticizing the FDA and Dan Hewitt on these forums. The last thing we want to do is make the problem worse or provide motivation for the government to prosecute. The message we need to send is that we are responsible hobbyists with...
  16. D

    Awesome ebay auction...

    Lol 5mW or 200? Looks like a Dilda being sold for $200. Although I did learn that red is the shortest wavelength.
  17. D


    This is a setback, without a doubt. But there are still many ways to enjoy this hobby without breaking the law as well as the possibility of building and selling lasers that meet federal requirements. The smartest, most responsible members of this forum are indispensable. Every effort that is...
  18. D

    do we need the reputation system after the move?

    As a new member, I've relied on the reputation system for making purchases. Reading the comments is necessary and I always try to ignore the rhetoric and look for quality feedback from other trusted members. Hopefully reputation comments can be made viewable on Vbulletin. -LaserBrain
  19. D

    650nm red laser pen(including ball pen,PDA,laser)

    The Buttons are placed far to the back on the pen?
  20. D

    New lpf layout

    VBulletin is a great program. I'm always disappointed to use a forum that isn't on VBulletin. I like the look too.
