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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. G

    Looking for quote on design and construction of linear laser channel

    Hi Gang I am working on a fiberoptic sheet project and looking for someone that would offer a quote to design and construct an aluminum channel to hold 2 mitsubishi LPC 826s and center a 1mm slot for me to slide my fiberoptic sheet. I also need them installed and wired to drivers that are 5 or...
  2. G

    power banks directly

    sorry wrong category. getting used to the site:)
  3. G

    power banks directly

    Hi Gang, First post. I am setting up a blue laser system and note that the 5V output from a power bank can limit to 1 or 2 amps. This is less than the limit of my diodes, and is processed so not directly from the battery. The boost circuit keeps it at 5 as the lithium battery voltage fades...
