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  1. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    I tried doing that once but it seemed really complicated, I had a diode already but I didn't really know what to do with it lol
  2. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    So, I cancelled the order. If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right. I'm probably going to end up buying a 100mW or something from SciFi lasers.
  3. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    I feel like I really jumped the gun on this... I think I might cancel the order and just save up for the laser that I wanted originally, the WickedLasers Arctic Spyder 3, 1.4w version.
  4. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    Oh.. wow that is the same laser. Do you think I should cancel the order and just save up for a legit 1w? Also do you know if LuckLaser is a legit site or a ripoff? It looks very Chinese to me.
  5. W

    Countries of LPF. Where are you?

    Manitoba, Canada
  6. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    I thought it might be too good to be true. Well I already ordered it so we'll wait and see, 20 bucks is still pretty good for 100mW as long as it doesn't break right away. I have another Chinese laser that's 5mW and it barely works, I have to twist the battery compartment around just to make it...
  7. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    Well, if it's anything less than 1000mW I'll be filing a dispute with AliExpress. It says that one of the grounds for dispute is that the item wasn't what was advertised. So I hope that they would actually refund me and not be shady about it.
  8. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    Yeah, I don't know if I trust "Lomon" either, but here's the link [RedStar] 1000mW Green laser pointer Lighting match Red laser pointer stars Multifunction 303 laser retail packing with 18650-in Laser Pens from Computer & Office on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group I don't think it actually says...
  9. W

    First laser, what cheap goggles will protect me?

    So I found a really good deal on a 1w green laser from AliExpress, and I've been wanting to get into lasers for a long time so I bought it, and now I'm wondering what sort of safety goggles I would need. I also am wondering if just looking at the dot will hurt my eyes without goggles. Keep in...
