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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. doubleone44

    MT-G2 builds

    Oh and for everyone interested in flashlight building/modding, check out BudgetLightForum. It's generally more modding focussed than CPF.
  2. doubleone44

    MT-G2 builds

    I like the MT-G2. However it's quite old (from 2012). For newer builds, I would recommend the XHP70.2 chip from cree, as maximum output goes from 4000 lumen to 8000 (!) lumens at 10 Amps. Both LED's take about 7 volt at this currents.
  3. doubleone44

    The Wavelength Thread

    Added some more lines, and an automatic converter of the wavelength to hex, which an add-on automatically converts into colors! Also made the list filterable and sortable.
  4. doubleone44

    An Apology for Everyone

    Don't take this wrong joker, but if you really want change, do so. Stop taking orders from now, finish the ones you still have, get you stuff together and start over. Raise the prices a bit. Sure, you will get less orders, but that's what went wrong in the first place isn't it? Fix the tracking...
  5. doubleone44

    UV laser diode <400nm

    Hmm I see. You could try roithner laser, they have a 400nm 50mW CW laser diode for 700 EUR: http://www.roithner-laser.com/pricelist.pdf
  6. doubleone44

    As requested: 473nm Aquarius <5mW

    No budget for the more exotic ones I guess? That's how it always goes isn't it? Looking forward to the finished rainbow!
  7. doubleone44

    UV laser diode <400nm

    What about a 385nm led? Those are pretty cheap for quite a bit of power and might do the trick if focused well. Maybe a couple focused at the same spot could work? Good luck on your project!
  8. doubleone44

    As requested: 473nm Aquarius <5mW

    Nice pics for a phone! Shows the colors really well. What's next on your list? 488nm, 510nm or maybe 491nm :P? (or 420nm, now that would be cool!) Good to see the rainbow coming together again.
  9. doubleone44

    Free Laser !

    Aaaand I missed it. Oh well :P
  10. doubleone44

    I feel like I'm being ignored or something

    Laserbtb still sells C-mount 500 and 1000mW 660nm diodes. They are respectively ~100 and ~170 dollars. LD 635nm 650nm
  11. doubleone44

    Looking for most powerful laser 301

    You can buy them from Podo at Sawnu, those are >100mW metered guaranteed.
  12. doubleone44

    FS or trade 365nm Name brand LED

    To block visible light, you could also use an UV-pass filter, which you can find for not a whole lot on some sites.
  13. doubleone44

    Finally a use for high power 480nm lasers?

    http://optics.org/news/6/6/46 That means osram is producing these lasers industrially, which means we might be able to get some... Exciting news! We might need to buy a car to tear it apart, oh well :P
  14. doubleone44


    Re: For sale: CNI lab lasers + SL goggles Hap, you are crazy :P Good luck with the sale!
  15. doubleone44

    Sci-Fi Lasers Arcane 2.0 635nm

    I hereby quote:
  16. doubleone44

    Need help my new 1w blue laser has gone weird.

    Cheap ebay laser I guess? Sorry bro, it LED'd. Basically, the laser diode doesn't lase anymore. Nothing you can do, except a diode swap. Sorry :/
  17. doubleone44

    Best NLO Crsytal for Doubling 980nm

    It's very, very, VERY hard to do direct diode doubling. You need a very high power density to achieve doubling, and this is practically impossible to do with multimode lasers. It's much easier to stick to single mode ones, if you don't want to mess with a ton of optical correction. And even...
  18. doubleone44

    How quick can 5mW laser damage an eye?

    I don't see why you would have to use lasers for this purpose. A 660nm led has about the same wavelength, and is 1/200 of the price per watt. It's also way less dangerous, while you still can have better(!) power density.
  19. doubleone44

    Cutting white polyester fabric with 1.7W 445nm

    Or you can use a laser which wavelength is absorbed well. (First thing that comes to mind is a CO2 laser, but I don't know if that would work)
