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  1. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    They actually did something similar with GBL. It's a widely used industrial chemical so they couldn't ban it outright they made it extremely hard to acquire. All of this because shitheads used it to make GHB (an otherwise quite useful substance), plant it in peoples drinks and date rape them.
  2. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    I wouldn't voluntarily shine a low power laser at my eyes either. But with a low powered one it's unlikely your vision will be damaged by any accidental exposure (you making a mistake, a shithead shining it at you, ...). Also good job on warning people, more sellers should be like that. I think...
  3. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    Hopefully the EU will do better but some how I doubt it, they seem to pick up most of your bad laws and few of the good ones.
  4. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    Valid point about starting to enforce it. Hope they do realize there is a use for lasers over 5mW and enforce the part that 5mW units have to actually be 5mW and not just ban anything above it. But knowing politicians....
  5. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    Yes, and people still have them. I'm not arguing against any of you (after all this board does warn about the dangers), just saying the whole system is stupidly set up. You can't buy a >5mW pointer, yet they are widely available. Ebay insists on people not selling them, yet doesn't insist on...
  6. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    Speedy78: No. I get what you're saying, it would drive costs up. I'm just not sure how much, especially if it's done at the factory level and you're allowed to sell the stronger ones just labeled as such (not like people don't want to buy lasers strong enough to burn). This way you can have both...
  7. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    Or only deal with manufacturers that have some sort of quality control in place (and nobody is going to tell me some large factory is unable to get good enough tolerances that 5mW isn't 50mW). And besides some members here will sell you lasers with measured output for a very reasonable price, so...
  8. C

    Airborne laser .. 445nm one ?

    I'm not 100% against doing it, just pointing out the options and how it could cause problems.
  9. C

    eBay 405nm "5mW" Pen - What should I expect?

    Yes, I'm more for the warning before posting, like 'this thread is 2 months old, are you sure you want to post in it' or something like that. Maybe just this text appearing in the quick reply box.
  10. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    And get sold on ebay by who knows whom... paypal managed to stop dx from selling 200mW units, at least they should require all lasers sold there if they don't meet their specs. I mean they manage to take down a lot of stuff that they don't like even if it ain't technically illegal and less...
  11. C

    Airborne laser .. 445nm one ?

    Technically doable, kinda awesome in some circumstances, not sure how legal and can cause you a lot of legal trouble (accidentally hitting something you shouldn't, law enforcement deciding it's not legal (even if you win in court in the end)).
  12. C

    eBay 405nm "5mW" Pen - What should I expect?

    Would it be possible to implement a mechanism to lock threads older than x months? Or at least warn a person before he posts in it (maybe he does have something useful to add that is still relevant)? I've seen similar things on other boards and it appears to be a nice feature.
  13. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    And if you put a label saying it's safe to drink a dangerous amount of bleach on the bottle you'd be in trouble (or sell a real gun as bb gun or whatever). And yet those lasers continue to be widely available. Now I don't mind people selling/buying strong lasers, but they should be labeled...
  14. C

    eBay 405nm "5mW" Pen - What should I expect?

    Just saw the thread was high up and answered thinking it wa recently posted.
  15. C

    some pet peeves about some ppl and lasers

    Lying about output power - how the f*** can you sell a 100mW laser as an eye safe <5mW.. that's just evil imo (the opposite still sucks, but imo isn't as bad.. just sell them as what it is, like 50mW +-10mW or something like that) How can you deliberately shine powerful lasers in other peoples...
  16. C

    adjustable frequency diode?

    I had a feeling these would do it. Shame there aren't any pointer sized ones :P Also another questions... do these go to literally every wavelength - from gamma rays to radio waves? Assuming you can feed it enough power (I've heard something about nuclear powered gamma ray lasers but they go...
  17. C

    eBay 405nm "5mW" Pen - What should I expect?

    Op, you should expect a laser of unknown power that's really unlikely to be eye safe. The 405nm ones are notorious for having their power all over the place. 405nm.com will measure them before sending so you know where you are (you can even say what power you want and he'll try to find one...
  18. C

    405nm.com low power violet (405nm) laser review

    That's also supposedly why they prefer them to others. Still I take great care to not shine it in it's face or any surface that might reflect the beam directly in to it. Also she loves it when I point it at some bed sheets and it changes color from purple to blue. The friend that got the other...
  19. C

    405nm.com low power violet (405nm) laser review

    My cat likes the red one, but prefers the 405nm one. Never had an eye safe green or other color to test it.
  20. C

    405nm.com low power violet (405nm) laser review

    Theanks, the cat loves chasing the dot... in fact I'm thinking of getting her a low powered green one as well.
