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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. Rokakku

    How much is my 1994 RadioShack laser worth?

    Out of all the places it could go this is a good outcome. Do you know what museum?
  2. Rokakku

    How much is my 1994 RadioShack laser worth?

    I tried signing up for PhotonLexicon a few days ago. I never got a confirmation email so it won't let me do anything. I tried talking to someone via the contact me page but nobody got back to me. Maybe OP is having the same problem.
  3. Rokakku

    I made a Minions Mini Movie for the members here only !

    Ah damn. Maybe https://vid.me/ will let you host it?
  4. Rokakku

    How much is my 1994 RadioShack laser worth?

    I might be interested in it OP if you don't have any luck.
  5. Rokakku

    How much is my 1994 RadioShack laser worth?

    http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/my-first-laser-pointer-sale-24743.html I found this old post with the same laser. Apparently at the time the laser cost $79.99, has a range of 65 feet and a plastic host which is glued so hard to tinker with. The thread also has a pic of the inside. Cool piece...
  6. Rokakku

    How much is my 1994 RadioShack laser worth?

    That's pretty cool I love retro gadgets. I have no idea what the value would be though.
  7. Rokakku

    New abstract show "Take It" by Kongos

    I rarely watch music videos but this was a really good laser show, had me watching till the end.
  8. Rokakku

    Lasers prove we've been to the moon !

    Take that Eddie Bravo.
  9. Rokakku

    Thoughts on my design

    I've been looking for an excuse to start using Photoshop again. It's been 3/4 years and boy you can see I have lost my touch. But I've managed to sketch up some rough ideas. Feel free to use or disregard. :p Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet That stripey laser logo at the top...
  10. Rokakku

    Space Discussion Thread

    I wish I was around to recover some of the debris. That'd be insanely cool.
  11. Rokakku

    Thoughts on my design

    Looks really cool, I'd perhaps be interested when you're all done. Have you given any thought into colorways, material or logo for the design?
  12. Rokakku

    Steam summer sale

    I never really got into the older tycoons. However a few months back I got RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe and RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack in a Humble Bundle so will have to give them a go at some point. I've never been good with strategy and management type sims unless its something...
  13. Rokakku

    Martial Arts?

    Same here, I got to green belt though. Wax on! Wax off!
  14. Rokakku

    Steam summer sale

    Prison architect is great, I've played that and The Escapists a lot. Not played Kerbal Space Program yet as the learning curve looks steep but very rewarding. I will definitely get it at some point as it looks crazy fun, my backlog is just so big though it'll have to stay on my wishlist for...
  15. Rokakku

    Steam summer sale

    Each year is more disappointing than the last because I have more of the games I want already. So I spend less which is good but can't brag bout good bundles I've got so much. Also with Steam now doing refunds there are no decent flash sales like when Just Cause 2 went for like 19 cents. This...
  16. Rokakku

    The moon.

    You need to be careful shining your laser at the moon. Just like helicopter pilots, UFO pilots who are zooming across our moon can be blinded by lasers, especially if they have more than two eyes!
  17. Rokakku

    Anything about extraterrestrial life

    I always thought tardigrades looked like tiny moles in space suits. But the ability of extremophiles to exist like this solidifies my belief in extraterrestrial creatures. I'd argue it is the nature of any being that becomes self aware. Stefan Molyneux talks about three main things that...
  18. Rokakku

    Carrie Fisher died, age 60

    A huge blow to Star Wars fans. 2016 is fucked!
  19. Rokakku

    What's your favourite drink?

    I couldn't tell you I've never actually tried Sake. Now you bring it up though I'll have to try a bottle.
  20. Rokakku

    What's your favourite drink?

    Yeah totally. I'm really surprised its popularity has dropped as it was one of oldest alcoholic drinks. One day it'd be cool to have my own hive and make it all myself all the way to the bees.
