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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. liveforphysics

    DIY collimator for 16W IR laser

    Also, reduce that fibers bend radius. You need the tip of the fiber to be cleaner than you've ever made anything before you power it up, or it instantly scratches the tip of the fiber and it will not make a beam again without a ton of work (don't do it if you can avoid it). You will need a...
  2. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    I've been asking them for a year now and no traction on building them.
  3. liveforphysics

    Sharp 395nm 300mW Diode GH0393AA2G

    I agree with you. I only do it in a safe-ish way at below 1uW, but I agree it's definitely dangerous to suggest, and most folks don't have the tools to attenuate a beam safely to try to replicate it, so it's extra hazardous to attempt and shouldn't be copied.
  4. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    I'm excited for a 589nm module group buy. Sowee is looking into ordering me a 589nm and perhaps 593.5nm pointers.
  5. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    Plot twist. He decided to keep his 589nm laser and refunded me. I'm still actively hunting for 589nm laser pointers if anyone else has one for sale.
  6. liveforphysics

    Sharp 395nm 300mW Diode GH0393AA2G

    Come by the RnD lab anytime. If you want I will adjust the beam power to <1uW and you can look into it. :cool:
  7. liveforphysics

    Sharp 395nm 300mW Diode GH0393AA2G

    This diodes color looks beautiful to me. It pulls all the blue tint out, unlike 405 having a faint blue color. It looks vividly UV pink, much more than 405nm. Very pleased to have a pink laser spot that's single mode. My camera can't do more than make it look blue/white, but to my eye its a...
  8. liveforphysics

    Finally... I own a 2W 577nm!

    Thank you for the tips on laser optic cleaning. What do you think about options like "first contact" polymer optic surface cleaner? Its something rubbery you gently apply like nail polish and peel off. I have a plasma cleaner at the RnD lab, does anyone know if it etches the optic away as it...
  9. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    Woot! He responded and I paid, 589nm in handheld form soon!! Woooot!!!
  10. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    Still extremely interested buyer ready to make payment if you ever come back to LPF.
  11. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    I'm so excited to have a handheld 589nm!!! I'm wearing out my f5 button on this thread hoping the seller responds.
  12. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    Still hoping for a reply if you still want to sell it.
  13. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    Still VERY hungry to buy at $589usd if you respond.
  14. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    It's killing me waiting for any response I can buy it... Please kind Sir 🙏 respond with a payment address of any type and I will send it.
  15. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    Thank you kindly for your laser mercy Sowee! I'm ready to pay whenever I get a paypal address for it.
  16. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    I will pay you $589 rather than $500 for it right now if you respond to my PM for your PayPal. I've been trying to buy a 589nm pointer for 3 years.
  17. liveforphysics

    For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

    I will buy it right now if Sowee didn't already get it.
  18. liveforphysics

    BMW X5 Laser Headlight unknown strange diode

    I bought a laser phosphor from that ebay listing. I hit it with a 445nm blue FAC beam compressed beam combined laser pair at 7w output in a sub 1mm*1mm spot. It pulsed blue-white light spectacularly for just a flash, before it went dim and then just pure blue beam. I would say under 100mS of...
  19. liveforphysics

    A lot of diodes and components

    Bad ass parts! I see I will be expecting a chunky package from Europe soon!
  20. liveforphysics

    LPM measure UVA>C optical power?

    I have a graphtec UV sensor. https://graphtecgb.co.uk/product/graphtec-gl100-illuminance-uv-sensor-module/ I use a 3d printed sphere coated in UV reflective paint, and it's printed with a port for the sensor head and a port for the LED to sit 90deg off axis in the sphere from the sensor. Then...
