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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    My friend Sal was at my house a couple nights ago so we hooked two Radiators up and had a little jam session.
  2. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    The cost of Radiator time at SELEM will be one latte! ;)
  3. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    Here's some footage of me driving the controls and the resulting abstracts. It's wicked fun.
  4. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    For giggles I hooked the Radiator up to three projectors. One for abstracts and two for beams... My garage is pretty freaking cool right now. ;)
  5. S

    I need to buy a wicked laser lasercube

    The reason you don't have access to them in the USA is they're not FDA / CDRH certified and are illegal. I spoke to my contact at WickedLasers a couple weeks ago (I'm working on a project and want to support them) and he said they don't have any time estimate on when they will be legal.
  6. S

    Thanks cdbeam! I'm so sorry I missed your message. "Set the Controls" is available for sale...

    Thanks cdbeam! I'm so sorry I missed your message. "Set the Controls" is available for sale, but it's a 60K show so you'll need galvos on the order of ct6215's or saturns. If you still have your LSX activation code, I can send you a new version of LSX.
  7. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    Here's a little more footage of the Radiator in action. I'm playing this live to music. There's no timeline and it's not running any audio reactive effects.
  8. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    Yes! I'll be at SELEM and I'll have one of our prototypes with me. You're free to spend as much time on it as you like.
  9. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    No worries! I'm glad you enjoy my shows.
  10. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    thanks diachi! i will post more video and photos in the near future.
  11. S

    What kind of new laser toys or projects are you all working on?

    i don't want to cross post, i've put all the info into Lasers->General->Announcing: "The Radiator"
  12. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    Those of you who know me know my love of abstracts.. My team and I have been working behind the scenes on a way to make live laser abstract performance sexy and fun again. Those are you who were at the 2018 ILDA conference in Montreal saw our first prototype and those of you who were with us...
  13. S

    What kind of new laser toys or projects are you all working on?

    It's a different project, but I am CRS.
  14. S

    What kind of new laser toys or projects are you all working on?

    my current project is a little custom dedicated laser abstract console... more details soon.
  15. S

    New Laser Show: "Set the Controls"

    Here's a new show I made to the best house music to come out of the 1990's (Bassomatic). Made with LSX, Etherdream DAC, and a homemade projector. I hope you enjoy it!
  16. S

    My First Real Laser Show "Ignite"

    don't sell yourself short, i liked it. especially the abstracts starting at 2:08. it's so nice to see people making actual show content. please keep it up.
  17. S

    Any old timers remember the Laserchat IRC room from like '08-'10?

    no drama, but we do tell a lot of "your mom" jokes. ;)
  18. S

    Any old timers remember the Laserchat IRC room from like '08-'10?

    there's a #photonlexicon IRC room running on freenode. all are welcome (of course)
  19. S

    new laser show "hot damn"

    no worries ;) i just didn't want there to be an impression of me not giving credit where credit was due.
  20. S

    new laser show "hot damn"

    yup! i put the artist and song title listed in the description and the beginning and end of the video. ;)
