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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. M

    Anyone got spare goggles to sell? (for red lasers)

    Does anyone here have a pair of safety goggles to sell? I'm looking for goggles for red lasers.
  2. M

    Volts, amps, and diodes- how much can it handle?

    Re: Volts, amps, and diodes- how much can it handl Thanks for that information. Yea there should be a tutorial somewhere here explaining the basics about lasers, diodes, electronics etc. There should also be a glossary with definitions about all the commonly used laser terms, acronyms, etc.
  3. M

    Volts, amps, and diodes- how much can it handle?

    Re: Volts, amps, and diodes- how much can it handl I got another power supply with this output: 3.7V 340mA Is this safe to use for those diodes without destroying the diodes?
  4. M

    Volts, amps, and diodes- how much can it handle?

    This is about these modules I got: dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10091 I have some old power supplies from telephones and other electronics that I am using for my diodes. Here is the output of some of them: (some pictures of them here: flickr.com/photos/26793374@N07/ OUTPUT: 5V 1A OUTPUT: 5V...
  5. M

    Connect module directly to power without resistor?

    I got these modules from deal extreme: dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10091 It says they are 5V. So can I connect them directly to a 5V power supply, or do I need to connect them to some resistors first so they don't burn out? Just making sure, I read somewhere on this forum about how you...
  6. M

    Lowest cost laser modules?

    Where can I find the lowest priced red laser modules or pointers? I know dollar stores sell laser pointers for around $3 each. I do not need the entire pointer, just the laser module itself, but I dont mind getting pointers as well, since I can take the pointer apart anyways. If anybody has any...
