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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. maxkillz

    SOLD 100mW Greenies

    Re: FS: 3.1W C11 445nm(Price Drop $325) + 100mW Greenies if the second greenie is still avaliable friday i might buy it. also interested in the 3.1W, what kind of battery life does it have and how long can you run it at a time?
  2. maxkillz


    Re: FS: 150mW Green 532nm Laser hmm I might still buy it if i have the spare cash next wednesday
  3. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    also no laptop is able to overclock as well as a desktop, when i see a laptop that can hit 4.8ghz on all 6 cores and able to play games at 7680x1600 res at 60fps I'll buy it, until then I'll stick to my computer back on topic guys D:
  4. maxkillz


    Re: FS: 150mW Green 532nm Laser if it is the spec you say, I might do $80 shipped next week if its still available...
  5. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    not dying, just not giving the performance i want back on topic please D:
  6. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    they are about a year old, going to upgrade to GTX580 3gb classifieds asap, and probably gonna get a i7 2600k, up from a 1090T with a EVGA 1155 FTW classified board back on topic peeps
  7. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    maybe in 2-3 weeks I might have $200 saved, I need some new computer parts though, my GTX480's and hex core cpu are showing their age
  8. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    any other companies i should check out? or should i save up a few hundred and just get a good 445nm laser?
  9. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    I'm from back in the day with the old forum, I think i joined in 2006 or 2007 before the new forum was made. anyways i've owned dozens of lasers... anyways I think I'm either gonna buy one from olike if i dont get something from a member soon
  10. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    is o-like still good and reliable?
  11. maxkillz

    FS: 250mW LOC hotlight [twist-on]

    I'll do $40 shipped :P
  12. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    Try to keep it under $60 maybe in a few weeks maybe more?
  13. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    back on topic, anyone have a laser they are willing to sell that can do some decent burning?
  14. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    yes and yes XD I still have 2 laser safety glasses, ones blue (for red and orange, and ones red/orange (for green, violet, blue) I have been away for a while but i still remember to be careful and put safety first. I still have a 50mW greenie but its just not cutting it for me. I've owned 200mW...
  15. maxkillz

    WTB any burning laser

    I'm looking for a cheap little burning laser I'm trying to get back into lasers. I've finally almost caught up on bills and child support... I had to sell all my lasers and equipment last year. All i want is a good little burning laser that will last a while. red, green, violet, IR, blue, any...
  16. maxkillz

    what happened?

    i haven't been here for almost a year... anyways I'm out of lasers and money >_< though i have gained, a daughter, an awesome computer, and a home since i was last here :D
  17. maxkillz

    what happened?

    what happened to the forum in my absence? when did all these ads get here and what happened to the population of this forum?
  18. maxkillz

    (SOLD) FS: >500mW Green 532nm Lab Laser

    Re: (sale pending) FS: >500mW Green 532nm Lab Laser hmm... now if only i could sell my computer real quick... i need to get back into lasers!
  19. maxkillz

    1-1.3 watt 445nm Laser Packages **ONLY $190 SHIPPED IN THE US**

    Re: 1-1.3 watt 445nm Laser Package **ONLY $190 SHIPPED IN THE US** I do have a vintage IBM aptiva running windows 2000 (came with 95) and a old imac
  20. maxkillz

    1-1.3 watt 445nm Laser Packages **ONLY $190 SHIPPED IN THE US**

    Re: 1-1.3 watt 445nm Laser Package **ONLY $190 SHIPPED IN THE US** pfff is that even a serious question?
