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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. C

    Parum Pum

    Hola, kiddies. I'm back from...whatever hiatus I was on. I saw there were some things people wanted added/changed on my dusty old FAQ thread, so if there's still any desire for that to be updated, shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to make it happen. Needs a revision anyhow. What's the latest...
  2. C


    I made some minor revisions. And apparently there's still not enough info in it, because we still get hundreds of n00b questions. So make suggestions here of additional topics, and I'll either make a poll or just pick a few. and also. FREAKING READ IT. I put effort into that, I'd appreciate...
  3. C


    Howdy folks. I haven't posted in forever...decided to remedy that. I got a new Walther P22, and I decided to hack the undermount laser sight to hold a green module instead of the piddly 0.5mw red diode... I have a 100mW CNI and a 5mW Lyra that I'm willing to sacrifice. I'm desperately trying...
  4. C

    803t sleds

    So... I heard somewhere that the 803t sleds were flammable. I scraped some metal off with a knife, and held it over an open flame... sure enough, it "lit". I'm wondering if anyone knows what these are made out of. I'm betting a magnesium alloy, just because of how it burned, but I'm not...
  5. C

    SWITCH! look! glass that's fluorescent to 532nm :O

    Not anymore! BEHOLD!  :D [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
  6. C


    I'd just like to throw another word out there about how incredibly freaking awesome OEM Laser Systems is. My PL-III peaked at 229mWs this afternoon, and it's rated at 100. Even with nearly dead batteries, it wouldn't drop below 145mWs. That is pretty insane... and, of course, absolutely perfect...
  7. C

    FS/Trade: Wacom Bamboo Fun 5x4 tablet

    I got this a few months back, and it's just been sitting around gathering dust... It's a Wacom Bamboo Fun 5x4" tablet. It comes with the standard pen and mouse. It's in mint condition, and it's only been used once. Asking $80 + Shipping.
  8. C

    803T diode polarity

    YES, I know this is out there somewhere, but I couldn't find it after half an hour of searching... and that's honestly all the time I can spare. What's the polarity for the 803T diodes? :D
  9. C

    My aperture shutter rattles...

    The aperture shutter on my PL-III started rattling a few weeks back... for no reason. It hasn't been dropped, shaken vigorously, or abused in any way, so it doesn't really make sense. Is there any way to fix this?
  10. C

    Re: company preferences

    Re: company preferences Laserglow Optotronics OEM Laser Systems Nova DIY Ebay (For HeNe's, Argons, scanners, etc - not pens. If I want a POS pen, I'll go to DX.) Dragon Lasers WL Techlasers DX KD
  11. C

    OMG. My eyes are tanks.

    Or at least APC's, but you get the idea. I just caught a stray reflection of my 160mW CNI... direct hit. ouch. But, against all odds, NO DAMAGE. I have a slight headache, and I was flashblinded for a minute. that's it. I am one lucky bastard, apparently. :P
  12. C

    OEM Laser Systems PL-III review! *UPDATE*

    LOL, another one!  :D I picked one up from Glenn, and he shipped it out this morning - Keep your eyes peeled for a nice, detailed review come tuesday.  :)
  13. C

    MORE false advertising from WL! w00t!

    So, I picked up the July 2008 Issue of PC Magazine today... guess what was in it? A WL ad. It claimed that the Spyder II was the most powerful handheld laser in the world... So, I promptly fired off a nasty email to them, and a precautionary one to the folks at PCM. :D Anyone else read it yet...
  14. C

    FAQ updated.

    Just a FYI, I updated the FAQ with the most recent additions. If you have any more, PM me.
  15. C

    My rant.

    Hooray. Time to rant. The topic, this time around, is DX and why I hate them. I hate the abundant glorifying that DX receives here. Guess what? people go on and on about how great and amazing and super wonderful their lasers are, and in the same breath go and condemn ebaysers to hell. The...
  16. C

    US laser meet. :P

    Ah well, I figured I'd throw this out there. :P There's gonna be a laser meet in Georgia in late July... There's already a few guys coming, and if any of y'all are interested we'll get a time nailed down and work on getting a better location. Like a big 'ol warehouse or something. Any interest?
  17. C

    Homebrew X-Y

    So, this summer, I'm gonna build an RGB (maybe RGV, depends on how cheap I end up being) X-Y scanner. I don't think it'll be that hard... I just need some form of instruction to get me started. :P So, any volunteers? Andy? :D
  18. C

    CNI GLP-532 switch

    Now that I got the old bastard apart, I need a new switch. Anyone know where to get one? Radioshack doesn't carry them... :P
  19. C

    CNI disassembly

    Ok... my 125mW CNI pen just gave up the ghost... or at least the button. Less than a week after the warranty expired. just my luck, eh? >:( Anyhow, I figured I'd take it all apart to see if I could do something with it... and guess what? I FORGOT HOW. Anyone care to tell me how to get these...
  20. C


    YES! the FAQ just nailed 2000 views! my baby's all grown up. *sniff* ;D
