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  1. doubleone44

    Finally a use for high power 480nm lasers?

    http://optics.org/news/6/6/46 That means osram is producing these lasers industrially, which means we might be able to get some... Exciting news! We might need to buy a car to tear it apart, oh well :P
  2. doubleone44

    Question about wavelength and power

    Okay, just a quick question that I've been wondering about. People say higher wavelengths burn better, because a single photon has more energy. Doesn't this mean the wattage of the laser also goes up? Then why does a 200mW 405nm burn better than a 200mW 650nm? The amount of power is exactly the...
  3. doubleone44

    The Wavelength Thread

    Okay, so, I was bored, and decided to make a thread with all possible visible wavelengths listed. I have included diode, DPSS, and gas wavelengths. Spreadsheet TODO: Dye Lasers Tunable Solid State Lasers All xenon ion wavelengths (couldn't find them) Possibly UV & IR too (would be a ton of...
  4. doubleone44

    Modifying a 301 host?

    Okay, so there are a number of cheap 301 host kits lying around on ebay. These are quite nice hosts when you remove the the battery extension. Would it be possible to strip the anodizing on these hosts? I like the hosts but I am bored of the black anodizing. I'm also interested in replacing the...
  5. doubleone44

    "20mW" Green Module Review

    Okay, so this is the "20mW" green DPSS laser module I won at an eBay auction hosted by laserlands (talked about it here). This little thing only set me back 2.5 bucks, so it's good for the price, whatever power it may be :D Shipping took 16 days, not bad for something from China! The mailman...
  6. doubleone44

    What to do with a green laser module

    So, I just won a "20 mW" green DPSS laser module on ebay for $2.85. There is only one problem: I don't have a use for it. And me, have zero inspiration, thought I would ask you what to do with it. Sure, I could build it into a pen, but that's boring. I need wild ideas!
  7. doubleone44

    450-550 mA driver?

    Hey guys, I'm trying to find a driver in the range of 450-500mA, and I am struggling a bit. I have looked at X-drives and others, but couldn't find any still for sale. Could somebody point me in the right direction? Usage is for driving either a M140 or a Mits 500mW at low current so it doesn't...
  8. doubleone44

    dx module doesn't arrive

    Hello people! I have ordered the "200" mW green laser module from dx 2 months ago, and I still didn't get anything in my mail :cryyy: I made a ticket on their site, but I'm not sure what I should do next. Any advice? I don't have any experience with non-shipping companies Greetz, Double
  9. doubleone44

    DX "200mW" green module

    Hey guys! I just wanted to know how much this green laser module really outputs 200mW 532nm Green Laser Module (3V 11,9 mm) I already ordered it and am gonna use it in my first build. I know it probably won't output 200mW, because it's really cheap. :D Greetz, Double
  10. doubleone44

    New here at LPF! :D

    Hey people of LPF! I just joined the forums and thought it would be smart of me to introduce myself. :P I have already read alot on the forums, and thus I wanted to be part of this amazing place! I live in The Netherlands, and go to high school here. I recently got into lasers, because I bought...
