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FrozenGate by Avery

Search results

  1. EllyEnthusiastic

    Kryton Groove 1.4W 445nm FS "Sold"

    Re: Kryton Groove 1.4W 445nm FS "Price Drop" $150 mm, don't have that much to spend on lasers, sorry! Come summer I should. I might just wait till then to buy a 1 watter.
  2. EllyEnthusiastic

    Aspire CF Mod!

    Re: Sweet deal on Aspire CF Mod! oo, I didn't know the button glowed!
  3. EllyEnthusiastic

    Kryton Groove 1.4W 445nm FS "Sold"

    Re: Kryton Groove 1.4W 445nm FS "Price Drop" $150 If this goes down to $130 shipping included, I'd be interested! Not trying to lowball you, just if the price ends up there let me know and you'll totally have a buyer.
  4. EllyEnthusiastic


    Welcome back to LPF!
  5. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Sci-Fi Lasers is a total joke!!!! He'd have to have scammed a lot of people to make hiring a lawyer worth the cost. Besides, anything he could offer as a defence would not stand up. Intentionally or not, Joker has scammed quite a few customers.
  6. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Unhappy with Sci-Fi Lasers - NOT being resolved I don't even want Joker's laser. Should have bought something with a better host from the start. If it comes in after I get my refund, it'll get a 'return to sender'.
  7. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-fi is a scam!!!

    Careful where you're going with that. I don't know what you're getting to, but I'm pretty sure I don't support it.
  8. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Sci-Fi Lasers is a total joke!!!! I read it somewhere on the forum, I'm pretty sure it wasn't written by Joker.
  9. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: %$q*%e&(tp I've received two bad tracking numbers. Well, one was truly bad, the first was someone else's tracker. I'm in the process of getting my money back right now. I'm on day 2/10 before I win my dispute by default, which I hope is how this will be resolved, since it's the quickest...
  10. EllyEnthusiastic

    3w laser for beginner build

    Maybe my connection is weird, but your sig looks empty to me!
  11. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Sci-Fi Lasers is a total joke!!!! Well, it could be your problem. Paypal may confiscate our refunds if we or Eitan say they're lasers. Could be wrong, hope I am.
  12. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Sci-Fi Lasers is a total joke!!!! We pretend they're flashlights. They're banned because Paypal prohibits using their service to sell lasers over 5mw.
  13. EllyEnthusiastic

    New Sanwu Challenger 700mw 405nm

    Don't have the $30 to upgrade the host.
  14. EllyEnthusiastic

    New Sanwu Challenger 700mw 405nm

    Wait, it is? Crap, guess I'll need to buy new batteries too.
  15. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: My experience with SciFi lasers 45 days was the old limit, now it's 180 days. You should be able to place your dispute. I placed mine more than 45 days after ordering.
  16. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Sci-Fi Lasers is a total joke!!!! If he says they're banned items, won't Paypal confiscate the money? I heard that's how they operate, but I could be wrong..
  17. EllyEnthusiastic

    New Sanwu Challenger 700mw 405nm

    Does the challenger also work with 16340 batteries?
  18. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Sci-Fi Lasers is a total joke!!!! From what I've heard, Paypal is 'notorious' for siding with the buyer during claims. Besides, we all have recent emails from him where he implies the packages haven't arrived yet. We can post screenshots. Sure, they could be faked, but that many customers...
  19. EllyEnthusiastic

    Does LPF needs a new machinist?

    Love the second pic, those are some crazy hosts!
  20. EllyEnthusiastic

    Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

    Re: Sci-Fi Lasers is a total joke!!!! There's discussion on how to do that. Right now it's in c0ldshadow's hands. He's the admin, he knows how the advertising agreement was set up, only he can remove the ad and restore order deus ex machina.
