Thanks! The vintage builds are nice but admittedly a lot harder without jayrob around since he did so many of them. This one was pretty much deemed a failure and only saw the light of day a few years after it was machined. These modules can handle the scotch tape/ some heat, and don't even ask...
Still interested to see if they can be pushed harder than the 350mW variant. From what I've independently heard, there is no reason to pick one over the other. I haven't seen any data to back that up though...
I suspect the batteries. If they advise 2x 18350 batteries, it probably needs the extra voltage that 1x 18650 can't supply. You likely only see dim output because of that.
How do the shorter 18350s not work? Too wide, too long, too short, no output?
Interesting, thanks for the graph. Very odd, I figured they'd use the same process for everything but I guess they actually do have multiple processes under their belts.
Not sure I trust that info from their sales rep without a spectro graph... every other module Lasense does is 808nm pumped, and I would expect the 57Xnm modules to be no different. (I do not own one of their 57Xnm modules to verify... but I would put money on it being 808nm). I would be more...
An alibaba seller called lasence sold me mine. Optlaser (also on alibaba) has their own versions as well.
Just note these modules are in short supply. Would advise staying in contact with them to see when any are available. 570+nm I would call yellow, 560-nm I would call green... anything...
I ended up doing the same after seeing this since I have a few spares. Not sure the driver is the best for these, the diode I used normally clocks in around 489nm but it's pushing 492nm on the crap driver. Typically see that with CV sources being above the diode's rating and creates excess...
Yup nailed it, wasn't sure how the can would handle the pressure difference... but if it lost the vacuum and water got in, uncanned might also have an issue at those temps.
If you do end up selling these, I'd probably be in for two to cover ~613nm and ~621nm.
Interesting. The math checks out, I never knew these were actually made/researched but they are in my theoretical chart for YAG
You're almost better off contacting them from any listing then asking what they have on hand, at least in my experience with them so far. They are usually backordered
Thanks everyone!
I lucked out and got a really good module, mine's running around 35-40mW, super stable too and CW at that. I passed on the smaller ones because I just do not like pulsed. I'm using the driver they included, these are more tolerant of input voltages than the smaller modules (I...
I have noticed it's definitely dropping off on brightness. I can't tell any differences in fluorescence with the glow sheets I have though, I feel that 500mW is going to charge everything pretty quick.
Thanks. I'm leaving it where it's at now with him, I don't want the headache.
You just look for any opportunity to argue don't you? So much that you have to edit it in later?
Yes, I go first because I put in the effort to get myself into this position, and I have no obligation to level the playing field.
Allow me to elaborate on what I stated before, once a source is...
Typical indeed. I spent a lot of time finding and building the relationships with the suppliers I buy from. As a wavelength collector, it is in my best interest to get first dibs on unique stuff.
If people want these diodes, Phillip has already offered to set up a group buy for them, at cheaper...
Unfortunately I'm going to have to keep my source secret as whenever they do get disclosed, they get flooded with emails and then don't bother with anybody anymore. My source tends to get some things a little early - or get crazy engineering samples out of the blue - so they're not people I'd be...