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  1. ZRaffleticket

    Selling Off Lasers to Pay for An Upcoming Move!

    Pen arrived, works great. Thank you!
  2. ZRaffleticket

    Selling Off Lasers to Pay for An Upcoming Move!

    The 473 CR2 pen is definitely interesting to me, so I'll throw out an offer, $600, if you can include a picture (or preferably a video) of it turned on. Understanding it's much lower than your ask price, but that's where I value it.
  3. ZRaffleticket

    "Blue Demon" & "Green Demon" now available - 15W Blue & 4W Green Handhelds

    If it's like the other cheap rgb, the alignment was noticeably imperfect after 15-20 feet. Though maybe they got better... that 900mW blue probably isn't single mode though. Also, they can't be bothered to take their own pictures, so they took the ones arcticdude made on his sanwu review? Nice...
  4. ZRaffleticket

    JLasers - GH04C06V9G TRUE 10W Diode!

    The "WOOO" on the can says it all
  5. ZRaffleticket

    Different color "505" laser modules

    The sharp 488s have a similar variance, 482-495nm. Can also look at some cheap dpss modules from 550-565nm on ebay as those have some noticeable variance. 425nm could to a lesser degree, though those are way more expensive and most tend to be around 425nm. One of 7 I bought was 420 which is...
  6. ZRaffleticket

    WTB: 480nm and 500nm Pen Lasers

    Didn't see or try their offerings, though fair warning RPMC offers some with a RWLD part #, but they are just binned sharp diodes @482nm that are priced nearly 30x what the sharp diodes cost
  7. ZRaffleticket

    WTB: 480nm and 500nm Pen Lasers

    482 might be reasonably achievable but I dunno about 479-480. Gotta get luckier than I have been, based on what I've measured. 500nm, you can do what I did and buy 50 505s off ebay and bin them then send the module out to a builder. The ones in 12mm modules with an extra brass ring in the...
  8. ZRaffleticket

    INFO: New Sharp Diodes: 3W/405nm, 6W/430nm, 7W/435nm Laser Diode Spec Sheets!

    The 435s released sometime early last year, I'm surprised they're still labeled as new. They aren't really that unique to me, just a slightly off color 445. What kind of test equipment do you have? I do have a spare or two I'm not using... edit: I have 5. Will hold one for you OP in the thread...
  9. ZRaffleticket

    Chance to get a 300mW 607nm pointer module! Group Buy 607nm Orange pointer Modules!

    Name Quantity 607nm Quantity 604nm Farbe² 1 1 Gryphon 1 0 Zraffleticket 1 1 . . . Mark me down for one of each as well!
  10. ZRaffleticket

    498 nm green laser

    I can probably get a good guess of what diode it is if you take a picture of the diode with the front lens taken off. 3 solid possibilities: 1) Sharp has the GH04980E5K coming out but I've yet to see anywhere stock it. If it's that it's a 3.8mm diode. 2) If the can looks like a weird cone...
  11. ZRaffleticket

    Glitches and other issues report here

    Yesterday on mobile there were auto redirects on page click (at least on mobile). One of the led to porn, which was not fun to see on break at work.
  12. ZRaffleticket

    Question: If you take out the diode of a normal 532nm DPSS, What colors can be created from various infrared diodes?

    For 532nm, it doesn't just add a number, if it were that easy they'd be available already. What you want is a ti:sapphire laser, but those are prohibitively expensive as of the time this post is written, though there are recent advancements that might change things in the coming years. Your...
  13. ZRaffleticket

    Some questions about some new lasers from tinker tavern

    Not really conclusive, but it looks single mode to me...
  14. ZRaffleticket

    Some questions about some new lasers from tinker tavern

    That so? Can you either try to defocus the output, and put the spot on a black surface and see if you see a model # on the can reflection, or aim a camera down at the diode to look for a number? As far as I know, that diode is the only cheap option. This test would narrow down if it's sharp, at...
  15. ZRaffleticket

    Some questions about some new lasers from tinker tavern

    420 and 425 in my case are the same diode, just luck of the draw. I have 6 in total, 1 at 420, 2 at 422, and 3 at 425. I'm surprised it's not more widespread too, this has been available for over a year by now. It can't hurt to ask tinker if he can bin a lower one for you. I haven't really...
  16. ZRaffleticket

    Some questions about some new lasers from tinker tavern

    425nm is the sharp GH04I01A2G. I reviewed one of the units before the valkyrie host came out https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/gh04i01a2g-425nm-diodes.110843/ Color wise it's pretty close to middle of the road, but 425 is a little blue still, you'd want the lower end of the bell curve...
  17. ZRaffleticket

    PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

    Is that 50,000 hours on that head? I was tempted until I saw that
  18. ZRaffleticket

    What is up with polarity??

    Odd. I got it from desktop after expanding the description to show more images
  19. ZRaffleticket

    What is up with polarity??

    The listing includes a photo of the battery going in positive end first. So case negative.
