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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. G

    LED 505 wavelength shift!

    Interesting. Are you able to measure its wavelength?
  2. G

    Osram PL520 3D printed host build

    Nice job on the build.
  3. G

    Returning member here

    Welcome back :beer:
  4. G

    Hello LPF guys

    Welcome to the forum. Please stay safe and enjoy yourself. :)
  5. G

    Sanwu Lasers - Offical thread

    Nice, but $50 is pretty pricey. Any updates on the rgb or lpm? :) Hopefully they'll be out by next Easter.
  6. G

    Looking to buy a laser for survival purposes

    In a true emergency, the dangers of using a laser for signaling aircraft are reasonable. The visibility of a laser of better than a flashlight, try a green laser, a 532nm would be good for the low divergence. Who cares about prison time and a fine when the alternative is death? In all over...
  7. G

    Review of the Directly-Injected 488nm Greenish-Blue Laser Pen

    Thanks for the review. Could you provide a link to where you purchased it?
  8. G

    New to group... Make lasers blink

    As already said, though making lasers blink would be very easy with basic electronics skills, leds are better and more durable. Good luck on your project :beer:
  9. G

    Greetings from Melbourne

    Welcome to the forum :beer:
  10. G

    Jetlasers PL-E Pro Duty Cycle

    The working temperature is posted as 15 to 35 Degree C so maybe try to measure it. I wouldn’t run it for longer than a couple of minutes. Keep in mind that the ir diode is a higher power than the visible output.
  11. G

    Risk from a moron at a gun show?

    Good choice passing up that wicked laser. They’re known as a low quality brand. If you ever want something better try jetlasers, sanwu, Laserglow, or optotronics. Some of these companies also have codes and keys for safety around your child.
  12. G

    SOLD: CNI GLP 485nm

    Re: FS: CNI GLP 485nm Could you post a picture of the dot and the splash?
  13. G

    JL tail cap question kinda OT

    If you contact jetlasers they’ll send you a tail cap for the shipping cost(at least they offered to do so for me). I don’t see why the different tailcap would affect power, even if it adds some resistance the driver should still regulate the current to the same amperage.
  14. G

    Got my Sanwu 1Watt 520 back-POOF!

    You definitely want better batteries, its worth investing in them if you're already spending $$$ on a nice handheld. I'm sure sanwu will repair it or send you a replacement.
  15. G

    Glass Ball / Diffraction Grating

    Very nice pictures as usual. The sphere/diffraction grating mix is nice.
  16. G

    GUIDE: Which company should I buy from?

    You got ripped off, you could’ve gotten one for $10 + the starcaps for $5 on eBay. It won’t be 500mW, let alone 500MW. Try jetlasers or sanwu lasers for accurate power ratings. They have many options from 30mW-7W.
  17. G

    some "new" pics 8/18/18

    Nice photos, love the 589+488 sphere shot.
  18. G

    Sale!!! OVER (faik)

    Re: Sale!!! Poor mods have a lot of work to do
  19. G

    Cheap USB laser engraver-No safety glasses mentioned?

    Fun concept, but I think the cube has been shown to perform worse than shown. When the distance is constantly changing, you’ll have to adjust the focus for maximum power density, and the cube doesn’t do this. Even on a flat object, I don’t think this will work very well. It would be better just...
  20. G

    Laser for low tech communication- testing laser power

    As Steve said, you’ll need a laser power meter. Use the search bar at the bottom of the page, you’ll get a few hobby options. Why are you using a red laser? Green would be more visible. Such a low power red may be difficult to see in lit settings.
